Anniversary Gift | Handmade Jewelry

in Jewelry3 months ago

Ever since I gained consciousness, I have seen my mother adopt only simplicity. I have never seen her wear a bright-colored suit, put so much makeup on her face that her true color is hidden behind it, or put so many curls in her hair that the beauty of her hair has doubled...

Yesterday was a special day in my mother's life because tomorrow was the wedding anniversary of Mama and Papa. I thought that today Mama and Papa should be dressed up like they were on the first day of their marriage, but they did not want to give up their simplicity. After being very stubborn in front of Mama, she finally agreed to get ready. I started gathering my belongings as quickly as possible.

I selected a mehron-colored dress for her, consisting of a Qameez and Shalwar, along with a heavy shawl in black and red. After applying a little makeup to her face, I dressed her up and put curls in her hair, which gave her face such a decent and elegant look that I felt like she was not my mother, but my younger sister.

After everything was done, the last step was to go to the jewelry store. I chose beautiful silver jewelry for my mother. I put a beautiful chain around her neck and silver earrings in her ears. When I was about to put bangles on her hands, I realized that there were no bangles of her size in our house because her simplicity does not allow her to buy and wear bangles. She insisted on me a lot and said that she didn't need bangles, so I didn't burden her with bangles, realizing her feelings. Instead, I made this beautiful red and white pearl bracelet for her. So let's share with you the procedure for making this bracelet. I hope you like it.


  • To make this bracelet, I have chosen three types of pearls, one red, the other golden, and the third white pearl. In addition, to make it, I needed a plastic wire to put inside the bracelet, and using the hooks and jump ring to put in the bracelet, I completed this entire bracelet.

  • First, after attaching the hook, I inserted a golden pearl inside the wire, after which I inserted five red beads on one side of the wire, and after inserting a small golden bead on the other side of the wire, I inserted a large white pearl and another small golden pearl, so a design like this was created.

  • In the second step, I followed the same procedure, but this time I made the five-bead design from the other end of the wire, and the second design, which had a large white bead, was made from the first end of the wire, so it became a different design and was ready.

  • Following the antagonist procedure, I made the entire bracelet.

  • Here I took the size of my mother's hand and made it into a complete accordion the size of her hand.

Here are the final looks

After the function was over, when I tried it on my hand, I realized that there was only one finger difference between my hand and my mother's hand size because it was only one finger bigger than mine and the rest of it was fitting in my hand. Now I know that it is my destiny and I have to wear it after this function.


This is simple and beautiful bracelet. I love the outcome