Welcome to my blog jewelry lovers, i hope you all are doing great and having a wonderful time.
It a pleasure to be here today and to share with you all this lovely bracelet i made for myself.
Here are the materials i used,
- Crystal pink bead
- Bugle bead
- Fishing line
- Hook and jump ring
- Razor.
So let's get started with the steps
Firstly,I make sure all my materials were kept in place and then I took a picture of it, after that I pick up my fishing line,I cut out a long straight line from my fishing line which I know it will be enough for my bracelet. from there now ,I pick up five crystal pink bead into my fishing,I make sure it was at the middle of my fishing line,then I pick up one crystal pink bead and I hold my both lines together and inserted the bead in it.
I now bring down the one crystal pink bead into the middle of my first five bead and I use one side of my fishing line and went back up through one crystal pink bead,I also hold the remaining side and went back up through one crystal pink bead and I drew the both line up.
I pick up one pink crystal bead and I make a cross with both side of my fishing line, crossing from left to right and from right to left respectively and I tightened it up.
I now use one side of my fishing line and I pick up one bugle bead and inserted, while on the remaining side of my fishing line,I also pick up one bugle bead and I inserted and I then pick one crystal pink bead and I make a cross with both side of my fishing line, crossing from left to right and from right to left respectively and I tightened it up properly.
From here now, I use one side of my fishing line and I pick up two crystal pink bead while on the remaining side I also pick two crystal pink bead ,I then hold both side of my fishing line together and I inserted one crystal pink bead.
I now bring down the one crystal pink bead into the middle of my first five bead and I use one side of my fishing line and went back up through one crystal pink bead,I also hold the remaining side and went back up through one crystal pink bead and I drew the both line up, then I pick up one crystal pink bead and I make a cross with both side of my fishing line, crossing from left to right and from right to left respectively and I tightened it up properly.
I still continue by picking up one bugle bead on one side of my fishing line while on the other side of my fishing line I also pick up one bugle bead,and I pick up one crystal pink bead and I make a cross, crossing both side of my fishing line from left to right and from right to left respectively and I tightened it up properly .
I continue the step till I got to the length I needed,then I pick up my jump ring and I inserted and the tightened it up properly to avoid loosing, while on the other end I then inserted my hook and I tightened it properly and then I cut out the remaining fishing line with the help of my razor.
Here am done with my bracelet and is ready for use.
I hope you all love this beautiful bracelet I made for myself,it really looks lovely on me, and I love it so much.
Thanks all for stopping by my blog and also for supporting me.
See you all on my next post.
Do have a great day
Your bracelet looks pretty and unique. Lovely work friend and thanks for leaving a detailed tutorial on how you made it. Well done, and thanks for sharing.
Thank you
Waw this is beautiful and outstanding
Thank you
This bracelet is very unique. And it have a unique design Also.
And I am happy that you have made it for yourself, because sometimes ourselves also need small gifts.
Thank you