Italy. Or the country I love to return to


Traveling through Italy, I saw an unusual landscape where only one cloud hung in the empty and blue sky. Fantasy - the cloud was like a ball. Following the road further, I kept looking at this cloud, and it was just one in the sky. It even seemed to me that the cloud was moving behind us. But again - the cloud beautifully complemented this Italian landscape. And now I want everyone to see this beauty.


And further along the way, I met completely different clouds, but they also very well complemented the beauty of the Italian landscape. Why Italian? And you can see for yourself that the Italian landscape can be immediately distinguished from any other landscape. And for me, it was the clouds that left an indelible impression with their unusual beauty, which adorns any photograph or painting of the artist.


And the post ends with a photograph from the province, where the central place in the composition is again occupied by a cloud in the sky, which hangs over an Italian villa and a small forest. What is interesting - all these three photographs very vividly show us that perfection and harmony in the amazing nature that inspires us to develop our creativity. And I would like to share the beauty of landscapes in combination with clouds with all viewers so that they can see all this.

We all remember from childhood that clouds are heavenly lambs. Or else the fact that the clouds look like cotton wool, as in my first photo. But in the creative approach of any of us - clouds can look like anything in their outlines. Remember how when we were children we lay down on the ground and watched the clouds run across the sky? So here in the photographs - the clouds are different everywhere, but they complement the landscapes very well and give the photograph a beauty that attracts the viewer. And who and how thinks about what the clouds are pushing us to in any creative work from photographs to paintings?

(Translated via Google translator from Russian)

-original photo;
-first publication;
-camera Sony 16.2.
