gre3n cross-posted this post in Meme 5 years ago

ATTN: All Members! Trying to get a Community Discussion on Creative World discord server as soon as possible!

in Art5 years ago

Hello Artists & Meme Lovers,

I would like to have a community discussion with both Art & Meme at the same time on our discord server Creative world. I will announce the time in discord soon with the @ everyone command, so you all know. Please make sure your notifications are turned on. I will give enough notice to plan accordingly.

If you have not done so join our discord server here: Please also fill out the introduce yourself section with a little about you, and your hive blog link! Thank You!

1st discussion.png

The discussion will be about the communities, the next contests and more! I need all your input into making these communities even better!

I will allow a little bit of time to pass so more people can join discord, please re-blog this it would help a lot!

The discussion will happen before the end of this week (b4 June 7th, 20), I hope at least some people will attend from both communities! If there is not much of a response I will try my very best in doing what is best for the next contests especially, I have a lot of ideas. Either way the next contests are being posted this week! I would like to obviously post them after our discussion. Lets do this! Speak up in the discord!

Looking forward to talking to you ALL !! 😀