Hi! Guys
The character i draw today is Squid game " red light green light doll".
Everyone who watched this season is well aware of this doll. The most horrific and violent doll ever.
Dolls are notorious for beauty and innocence and a kind of toy for little girls. And also in daily context a girl who is so cute or so innocent people start calling her doll. But the type of doll in this season baffled me with its actions.
When the season starts and players were taken to the playground to play their first game. They never assumed what is going to happen with them.
Same like players audience were waiting for something outstanding but the very moment this doll started killing players players and audience were horrified by this cute and innocent doll.
I am here again with a new sketch for participating in the contest in this community. As this community has allowed many entries in just one contest which is very thoughtful of #DIYHUB. I mentioned earlier in my previous drawing that the very best season i like and i am in love with in 2024 is squid game season 2. I watched this season in one day continously and complete it.
So i tried my best to recreate this dreadful doll in a cute manner. Now i will tell you people about the things i used and the full process in doing this sketch.
Material required
The sketch book
Led pencil
Black marker
Black pointer
Orange marker colour
Skin pencil colour
Yellow marker color
The process
The very first step i do in this drawing is i sketched the face of the doll.
Then i draw the eyes of the doll.
After drawing eyes i draw her eye balls.
Then darken the eye balls.
Then i draw ears.
Then i draw the hair.
Then i draw shoulders, collar, and froke.
Then i draw the legs and foot.
Then i draw the arms and hands.
Then i draw the use black pointer to make it clean and organise it.
Then i coloured the doll.
Firstly i coloured legs, arms, hands and face with skin colour.
Then i coloured lips with red colour, then collar with neck with yellow colour.
Then i coloured with orange colour.
Now let's talk about the difficulties i face during this project. The most difficult thing i draw is her eyes, her horrific eyes.🙂🙂
It took 1hours and 30minutes to complete this project. And for break i go for eating bryani and after eating spicy food its time for sweet. And in sweet i ate brownie and after that i start enjoying my project.
So guys! This is my whole story of today's project and i hope you all will enjoy reading this, the story behind this and the full description of doll and the process of this drawing.
And i highly recommend this season you all will go and watch this. And then share your reviews with me.
Bye bye friends see you soon with something more interesting.********
(Video edited in inshot)
Wow so beautiful to behold
Thank you so much