I teach you how to make a beautiful crochet bracelet.|| [ ESP\ENG]

in DIYHub7 days ago

Hello friends once again welcome to my blog!


Hello family, Happy and Blessed Carnival Tuesday to all my friends, a warm virtual hug I hope you are well, multiple blessings 🙏. I take advantage of the fact that my little one is asleep and I am getting ready to recreate myself for a while, knitting. That is why today I want to share with you a nice crochet bracelet made with fuchsia and brown thread. It is a very simple and easy model to make, especially for beginners. Below we indicate the following steps to follow to make this detail:

Hola familia Feliz y Bendecido martes de carnaval tengan todos mis amigos un caluroso abrazo virtual deseo que se encuentren bien multiples bendiciones 🙏. Aprovecho que mi pequeño está dormido y me dispongo a recrearme un rato, tejiendo. Por eso el Día de hoy les quiero compartir una linda pulsera a crochet elaborada con hilo de color fucsia y marrón es un modelo muy sencillo y fácil de elaborar sobre todo para principiantes. A continuación les indicamos los siguientes pasos q seguir para elaborar este detalle:



♥️Brown and fuchsia knitting yarn.
♥️Knitting needle.


♥️Hilo de tejer de color marrón y fucsia.
♥️Aguja de tejer.


Paso a Paso

Step 1: To start this step by step we are going to take the brown thread and tie a knot at the tip and from there start with a chain of 60 very creative stitches.

1er paso: Para dar inicio a este paso a paso vamos a tomar el hilo de color marrón y a hacer un nudo en la punta y desde alli partir con una cadena de 60 pumtos mis creativos.




2nd step: Next we move forward with a round of 60 half stitches in the next row as you can see in imagine..

2do paso: Seguidamente avanzamos con una vuelta de 60 medios puntos en la siguiente hilera cómo lo aprecin en imagínate..



Step 3: We conclude for the last round by repeating the previous step to close the end of the fabric with a knot.

3er paso: Concluimos ya para la última vuelta repitiendo el paso anterior para cerrar al final del tejido con un nudo.



Step 4: Then take the fuchsia thread, join it to the piece and increase 2 double crochet stitches in a single stitch and separate with 1 stitch, repeat the procedure until finished.

4to paso: Luego tomar el hilo.de color fucsia unir a la pieza y dar un aumento de 2 puntos altos en un sólo punto y separar con 1 punto, repetir el procedimiento hasta finalizar.



*Espero le haya gustado este lindo resultado de este hermoso brazalete elaborado con hilo 🧵 a crochet.. La a combinación de colores muy linda me encantó! Un cálido abrazo 🤗 Saludos Hasta la próxima! *.

I hope you liked this nice result of this beautiful bracelet made with crochet thread 🧵 .. I loved the very pretty color combination! A warm hug 🤗 Greetings Until next time! .



Thank you very much for reading me many blessings to all.

Muchas gracias por leerme bendiciones para todos.

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Las fotos son tomadas de mi teléfono Redmi Note 13


 7 days ago  

It is beautiful, stylish, and lovely. It looks awesome. Good to see how you made it. Well done!

Thank you for your visit and the support provided. Greetings 😊

Hey friend!, thank you so much for sharing your creativity and talent on DIYHub Community. You did a very beautiful job and now you share the step by step with a lot of elegance, good for you. Thanks for being part of the community, happy day ✌️

Hello, thank you very much for your visit and support. I'm glad you liked my work. A warm hug 🤗

esta muy bonito, los detalles están geniales!

it's very nice, the details are great!

Muchas gracias 🫂😌😌 un fuerte abrazo

Very nice woven bracelet... I've been very curious and really want to learn how to make it. Thank you for sharing.💕