Hey there! This post highlights all the amazing content published into our DIYHUB Community and we have curated over the past days. Community content is our main focus and you will earn a 100% upvote if your post follows our requirements and target niches when you post it into the DIYHUB community!

In today's featured post, @hayleysv shows us her creative tutorial for decorating baby sandals to enhance comfort. She explained how her baby experienced irritation from the metal buckle and tight fit of the sandals, prompting the need for a decorative solution. Thank you for sharing your amazing DIY project with the community dear @hayleysv!
Read more about the rules of the contest in our contest announcement post!
Happy creating!

by @hayleysv Sandals Decoration /Decoración de Sandalias ENG-ESP
Hello, dear hivers of this beautiful community. It is a pleasure to be with you and show you one mor...
I love flare skirts for the ease of wearing as well as the ease of making them. I saw this pop of co...
by @pari.warsh Furious chicken ❤️❤️. You can coock it😅
by @lanoican A Dream Bed / Una Cama De Ensueño
EnglishA Dream BedThese days I was arranging, my fabric cuts that I use to recycle and as I had so m...
1000236322.png Hive, here is the step by step of one of my pixcel creations. It is a sayayin soldier...
by @nurul-uli make star-shaped snowflakes from A4 paper
Easy star shape snowflakesgood afternoon everyone, I hope today you are all fine and happy, today th...
by @edittasc86 Celebrating friendship with this cute fraternity bracelet
Portadas Hive (20).png en Español ❤️ (¡Click Aquí!)Saludos amigos de DiyHub, es un gusto pasar por a...
by @glorydee DIY to the Rescue, Saving My Friend's Wedding Dress in Time
Hello Hive It's a beautiful sunny day over here after rains for days that made going out a difficult...
by @virgilio07 Beautiful Link Bracelet with Oval Clasp Inspired by Prince Julian
Asslam o Alikum,I was sitting in the morning thinking that I should make a drawing. I went to get a ...
by @bimpcy DIY// tutorial on how I made Ankara purse to match with my outfit
Hello beautiful peopleIt's a beautiful day to you all and I bring you greetings from this part of th...
Good morning everyone on this community,I send my regards to all viewers of my post ,Am remorse to w...
by @ene22 All for a princess 😍
by @anne002 ✨💕Lindo arreglo hecho de botella ,tela y cartón💕✨//✨💕Cute arrangement made of bottle, fabric and cardboard💕✨[Esp~Eng]
¿Como están mis amigos creativos y artesanos ? han tenido la oportunidad de reciclar muchas veces la...
Hola amigos. Deseando que todos estén muy bien este día. Siempre será para mí un gran placer pasar p...
by @pari.warsh A Gift For Diy Hub 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
GreetingHopefully you all are doing well. Today I came with some thing new. I always made something ...
by @mah-jabeen Diy Jam Jar into pencils holder
Hello everyone! Welcome to the DIY community, a community that allows you to show your craft talent ...
by @mdakash62 house decoration flower top making tutorial. easy decoration flower top.
Hola queridos amigos de Hive y de esta hermosa comunidad de DIYHub, en esta hermosa tarde les quiero...
by @hindavi Friendship wrist bracelet
(ENG)Hello everyone, lovers of DIY and great ideas, my best wishes for well-being to you. I feel ple...
by @divergente1 Máscara de ojos para dormir Sleeping eye mask
Hola amigos, espero que se encuentren bien. Las bandas para los ojos al momento de dormir, son muy b...
by @rosana6 Decoration with Toilet Rolls ǀ Adorno con Rollos de Papel
▶️ Watch on 3SpeakHowdy, DIYHub friends! I wish you a happy day. This time I want to share with you ...
by @george-dee Decorative Pencil Holder From Recycled Materials.
I am excited to share another DIY project in the DIYHUB community.Sometimes last year, I gave my nei...
by @aniqa-k Origami DOG.🐕
Hello Everyone👋🏻👋🏻!!I hope you all are doing well.☺️Today I came with a different kind of art peace....
by @bimpcy DIY// process on how to make a fabric candy hair bow for my friend on hive
Hello beautiful peopleIt's another lovely day out here and I hope you are doing great, it is with gr...
by @eberechi01 Diy craft: how I made an airplane
Greetings to you all, its always a pleasure to be here with you guys. Since I was a child I have alw...
by @pannavi Restoration of Drako's Favorite Toy Eng-Spa
FULL VERSION ESPAÑOL post is in Spanish and English. You can go to the post in English by clicking [...
by @divergente1 Friendship Day Surprise Box 🫶❤️
Hello Hive family, I hope you are doing great. Throughout the month the Diyhub family has offered a ...
Since we are in the summer, we want all the church services to be different. For this occasion we w...
by @david16 A Colourful Butterfly Cross Bracelet💛🧡💜💚
Hello Great friends...I't was a stressful day, so in between schedules I decided to make a simple bu...
▶️ Watch on 3SpeakHello folks ! I am here after ages. Today, i made a strange eye which is also part...
by @anne002 ❤️Diy-Recreando blusa aestetic de Shein con corte de corazon❤️//❤️Diy-Recreating Shein's aestetic blouse with heart cut❤️[Esp~Eng]
Como están amigos y amigas de esta hermosa comunidad espero estén muy bien con la bendición de Dios,...
by @moaz-sabir Craft of Baby Unicorn
Hey 😊👋. How are you guys? I wish you all the best of luck. Have a sweet day. And a safe life. I am h...
by @pari.warsh 2 bracelates❤️❤️
GreetingHopefully you all are doing well. I came here again with a new post. I know its too late but...
ESP/ENG Linda pulsera hecha el macrame inspirada en tersa, en el concurso de arte numero 303 de splinterlands// Nice macrame bracelet inspired by tersa, in the 303rd splinterlands art contest.
Mi versión español.¡Bienvenido a mi blog!027392a7-840e-4cca-83fb-74e5b961f6dc.jpg a toda mi gente de...
Hello everyone, I welcome you to my blog once again. Happy to write about this top I made for myself...
DIY ruffled waist/ elastic waist Palazzo trousers
An elastic-waisted trousers/pant is a must-have in a lady's wardrobe because of it's simplicity yet ...
Ich habe ein neues Projekt. Nach dem Motto: Happy wife, happy life.Aber bevor wir anfangen können, b...
by @mdakash62 How to make many Rose flowers/ Amazing home decorations idea
by @moaz-sabir Earrings by raw material
Hey DIY LOVERS. I hope you all are doing well. And I wish you a good day. May God bless you all. So ...
by @marylove1 DIY on how I made this simple and beautiful off shoulder blouse for my sister in-law
Hello creative hiver,Good day creative community and to all my friends on hive, how was our night re...
by @divergente1 Design and sewing of casual pants
1000243927.jpg Hive family, I hope this week begins with many blessings for each of us. From Hive we...
by @meyateingi Diy Crochet Puff flower Hairpin With Me
Hi guys, it's been a while since I last made a crochet project, and I'm really excited to share this...
by @lizelle The Odd Chair out - a Revival
Rickety, worn, torn, and weathered, with a big sinkhole in the seat, is an apt description of an old...

created by: @hayleysvcurated by: @bhattgcreated by: @whitneyalexxcurated by: @stevenson7created by: @pari.warshcurated by: @stevenson7GreetingHopefully you all are doing well. I am participating again in @diyhub . Today I tried to mad...created by: @lanoicancurated by: @stevenson7created by: @rodriguezkike232curated by: @bhattgcreated by: @nurul-ulicurated by: @bhattgcreated by: @edittasc86curated by: @stevenson7created by: @glorydeecurated by: @bhattgcreated by: @virgilio07curated by: @stevenson7 *Blessings to all the members of this fabulous #diyhub community. Delighted to greet you and wish y...created by: @ashirabdullahcurated by: @bhattgcreated by: @bimpcycurated by: @stevenson7created by: @harhesscurated by: @bhattgcreated by: @ene22curated by: @stevenson7Hello members of @diyhub community, today am thrilled to share with us all the hand bracelet I made....created by: @anne002curated by: @stevenson7created by: @creacioneslelyscurated by: @bhattgcreated by: @pari.warshcurated by: @stevenson7created by: @mah-jabeencurated by: @stevenson7Hello friends and hivers.Greetings to all of you. I am here for creating some art in @diyhub. I saw ...created by: @princess-daracurated by: @stevenson7created by: @mdakash62curated by: @stevenson7AssalamualaikumEveryone.I am @mdakash62Friends,Grettings everyoneHello here I am following nature lo...created by: @andreamtovar19curated by: @rezoanulvibescreated by: @hindavicurated by: @bhattgHello, friends and @DIYhub community greetings and happy friendship. I like this initiative to make ...created by: @katiuskamatacurated by: @bhattgcreated by: @divergente1curated by: @stevenson7created by: @rosana6curated by: @stevenson7created by: @george-deecurated by: @bhattgcreated by: @aniqa-kcurated by: @stevenson7created by: @belkyscabreracurated by: @stevenson7creative friends and community @diyhub, I wish you a happy day together with your loved ones, I am h...created by: @bimpcycurated by: @rezoanulvibescreated by: @eberechi01curated by: @bhattgcreated by: @pannavicurated by: @stevenson7created by: @divergente1curated by: @bhattgcreated by: @lagoticaderociocurated by: @stevenson7created by: @david16curated by: @bhattgcreated by: @tahastories1curated by: @stevenson7created by: @anne002curated by: @stevenson7created by: @moaz-sabircurated by: @stevenson7created by: @pari.warshcurated by: @stevenson7created by: @anacarolina2022curated by: @stevenson7created by: @elizabeth2323curated by: @stevenson7created by: @whitneyalexxcurated by: @stevenson7created by: @danielhuhservicecurated by: @stevenson7created by: @mdakash62curated by: @stevenson7Friends,Grettings everyoneHello #Diyhub I hope you all are having a great time working hard.First of...created by: @moaz-sabircurated by: @bhattgcreated by: @marylove1curated by: @stevenson7created by: @divergente1curated by: @rezoanulvibescreated by: @meyateingicurated by: @stevenson7created by: @lizellecurated by: @stevenson7
To receive our full support (100% upvote) and to get included in our next compilation make sure to post your next creations into the DIYHUB Community (no cross-posts included).

Highlight of the Compilation
Sandals Decoration.In today's featured post, @hayleysv shows us her creative tutorial for decorating baby sandals to enhance comfort. She explained how her baby experienced irritation from the metal buckle and tight fit of the sandals, prompting the need for a decorative solution. Thank you for sharing your amazing DIY project with the community dear @hayleysv!
Join our International Friendship Day DIY-CONTEST
On July 30th, people worldwide celebrate International Friendship Day. This day not only underscores the importance of friendships between individuals but also the relationships between countries and cultures. Join us in this exciting challenge as we highlight the essence of friendship this month! Let's bring our friends and everything that comes with friendship into the spotlight.
Hive | |||
Ecency Points |

Mixed Materials

Hello, dear hivers of this beautiful community. It is a pleasure to be with you and show you one mor...
Fabric / Leather
DIY off-shoulder top and flare skirtI love flare skirts for the ease of wearing as well as the ease of making them. I saw this pop of co...

Mixed Materials

EnglishA Dream BedThese days I was arranging, my fabric cuts that I use to recycle and as I had so m...
Design in Pixceles Diy1000236322.png Hive, here is the step by step of one of my pixcel creations. It is a sayayin soldier...

Easy star shape snowflakesgood afternoon everyone, I hope today you are all fine and happy, today th...

Portadas Hive (20).png en Español ❤️ (¡Click Aquí!)Saludos amigos de DiyHub, es un gusto pasar por a...
Fabric / Leather

Hello Hive It's a beautiful sunny day over here after rains for days that made going out a difficult...

Mini Pencil Box Diy DIYHubAsslam o Alikum,I was sitting in the morning thinking that I should make a drawing. I went to get a ...

Hello beautiful peopleIt's a beautiful day to you all and I bring you greetings from this part of th...
Mixed Materials

Good morning everyone on this community,I send my regards to all viewers of my post ,Am remorse to w...


¿Como están mis amigos creativos y artesanos ? han tenido la oportunidad de reciclar muchas veces la...
Corazones tejidos con hilo nylon 🤍❤️🤍 Hearts woven with nylon thread.Hola amigos. Deseando que todos estén muy bien este día. Siempre será para mí un gran placer pasar p...

GreetingHopefully you all are doing well. Today I came with some thing new. I always made something ...
Mixed Materials

Crafting coastal comfort; a clever beach chair and table setHello everyone! Welcome to the DIY community, a community that allows you to show your craft talent ...
Home Decor

Collar de Perlas con Cadena Reciclada 🤍/// Beads Necklace with Recycled Chain 🤍Hola queridos amigos de Hive y de esta hermosa comunidad de DIYHub, en esta hermosa tarde les quiero...

ENG/ESP TUTORIAL: BEAUTIFUL AND DECORATIVE CENTER CENTER.(ENG)Hello everyone, lovers of DIY and great ideas, my best wishes for well-being to you. I feel ple...

Hola amigos, espero que se encuentren bien. Las bandas para los ojos al momento de dormir, son muy b...
Home Decor
▶️ Watch on 3SpeakHowdy, DIYHub friends! I wish you a happy day. This time I want to share with you ...

I am excited to share another DIY project in the DIYHUB community.Sometimes last year, I gave my nei...

Hello Everyone👋🏻👋🏻!!I hope you all are doing well.☺️Today I came with a different kind of art peace....
Mixed Materials
Beautiful frosted cushion; A special gift for my friend Eng - EspJewelry

Hello beautiful peopleIt's another lovely day out here and I hope you are doing great, it is with gr...
Mixed Materials

Greetings to you all, its always a pleasure to be here with you guys. Since I was a child I have alw...

FULL VERSION ESPAÑOL post is in Spanish and English. You can go to the post in English by clicking [...

Hello Hive family, I hope you are doing great. Throughout the month the Diyhub family has offered a ...
Eng/Esp If you don't have wings to fly... make them!!!!/ Si no tienes alas para volar...fabrícalas!!!Since we are in the summer, we want all the church services to be different. For this occasion we w...

Hello Great friends...I't was a stressful day, so in between schedules I decided to make a simple bu...
Mixed Materials
Let's Make The Eye With Polymer Clay DiyHub▶️ Watch on 3SpeakHello folks ! I am here after ages. Today, i made a strange eye which is also part...
Fabric / Leather

Como están amigos y amigas de esta hermosa comunidad espero estén muy bien con la bendición de Dios,...
Mixed Materials

Hey 😊👋. How are you guys? I wish you all the best of luck. Have a sweet day. And a safe life. I am h...

GreetingHopefully you all are doing well. I came here again with a new post. I know its too late but...
ESP/ENG Linda pulsera hecha el macrame inspirada en tersa, en el concurso de arte numero 303 de splinterlands// Nice macrame bracelet inspired by tersa, in the 303rd splinterlands art contest.
Mi versión español.¡Bienvenido a mi blog!027392a7-840e-4cca-83fb-74e5b961f6dc.jpg a toda mi gente de...
Fabric / Leather
How I sew my beautiful topHello everyone, I welcome you to my blog once again. Happy to write about this top I made for myself...
DIY ruffled waist/ elastic waist Palazzo trousers
An elastic-waisted trousers/pant is a must-have in a lady's wardrobe because of it's simplicity yet ...
Wo gehobelt wird, fallen Späne/ Where wood is chopped, splinters must fallIch habe ein neues Projekt. Nach dem Motto: Happy wife, happy life.Aber bevor wir anfangen können, b...


Hey DIY LOVERS. I hope you all are doing well. And I wish you a good day. May God bless you all. So ...
Fabric / Leather

Hello creative hiver,Good day creative community and to all my friends on hive, how was our night re...

1000243927.jpg Hive family, I hope this week begins with many blessings for each of us. From Hive we...

Hi guys, it's been a while since I last made a crochet project, and I'm really excited to share this...

Rickety, worn, torn, and weathered, with a big sinkhole in the seat, is an apt description of an old...

We discover posts daily in various categories:
- CREATIVE: coding, self made cosmetic and beauty products, fabric work, yarn work, pottery paper work and art tutorials
- CRAFTING: 3d printing, electronics, jewelry making, metal and woodwork, upcycling
- HOME&GARDENING: building, decoration, gardening, homesteading, repairing
Share your Do-It-Yourself projects in the DIYHub community on HIVE with members with the same passion, interests and who will appreciate your work. Let's connect in the community and build strong and long lasting relationships on the HIVE blockchain!

Oh! you don't have an HIVE account yet? Sign up and start sharing!
You can contact at any time via our discord server: https://discord.io/diyhub
Thanks You 🫂
Thanks for highlighting our content.
Presented to us through extraordinary skill. Thank you very much to all of you here at the New Art Collection. These wonderful industries above all give us new skills.Thank you to the community as well as respect and love to everyone present. All of your hard work makes us more interested in creating new industries.
Saludos ,muchas gracias por el inmenso apoyo feliz noche amigos 😊✨💜
Wao, these are some lovely posts you have shared.congrats to the authors
Thank you 🤗
Thank you for the shouout @diyhub, so much happening around here, just wow!
Thank you Liz🙃
Wow all the supported content look beautiful
Hi @diyhub and @stevenson7, grateful for the mention and support.😚😁🙏
Have a great day!
So grateful for the support, guys!
Grateful for your contributions to the community dear friend 🫂
@diyhub Thank you very much for your support, and also thank you for your feedback @stevenson7
You rock
Thanks for highlighting my post
You're welcome
Thanks @diyhub
Cheers fren
Thanks for the support always @diyhub @stevenson7, I feel encouraged