DIY CURATION: 15 April 2022 - 22 April 2022

in DIYHub3 years ago

Welcome to our curation report for the category #diy

Our main focus is to appreciate the amazing work of creators on our HIVE blockchain & their unique educational and inspirational content. With the big help of our delegators we are able to spread support via our curation and we hope to see much more content of you all in the future!

Today's Highlighted Post by @carolycesar15


With household items that lay around; in this post, @carolycesar15 was able to conjure up a beautiful bear container. Brilliant work and a useful craft that everyone can make for themselves. @carolycesar15 makes a lot of art and also sometimes whips up magic in the kitchen. Do check out her works and support her

diy: building

diy: programming

diy: repairing

diy: cooking

by @rocio03Baked Short Pasta with Bolognese Sauce / Pasta Corta al Horno con Salsa Boloñesa@hafizullah
by @katydvagMi primer Quesillo Venezolano[ESP-ENG] @hafizullah
by @mercysalifu# DIY on how I baked these yummy cupcakes @stevenson7
by @nadin-zakrevskaTraditional Ukraine Easter cake / Традиційна українська Паска на Великдень. EN/UA @priyanarc
by @kerwinjz[ESP/ENG] Deliciosa mega Barra de dos cereales. Nutritiva y saciante 😋 / Delicious mega Two-cereal bar. Nutritious and satiating 😋@stevenson7
by @milagrosmhblJoin me in preparing my first Pasticho lasagna 😍 [Esp-Eng] @stevenson7
by @alfrednoyed[ESP ENG] Para el Almuerzo Chuletas de Pernil al Horno con Arroz y Ensalada de Papá y Huevo.@stevenson7
by @reinamjp1[Esp-Ing] Yuca gratinada con mojito de pescado y queso mozarella // Yucca au gratin with fish mojito and mozzarella cheese@stevenson7
by @noalysOatmeal arepas filled with scrambled eggs and tomato. 🫓@hafizullah
by @mariaudhr[ESP /ENG] Atol de Avena con Canela para el desayuno / Oat Atol with Cinnamon for breakfast@stevenson7
by @alfonzolenkeShortcrust pastry ENG/ESP@stevenson7
by @edwing357[ESP-ENG] Mega panqueque en 1, 2, 3 y listo! 👉 solo por cocina creativa 👨‍🍳 / Mega pancake in 1, 2, 3 and done! 👉 only for creative cooking 👨‍🍳 @stevenson7
by @yenileoncTorta Fácil y Rápido de preparar [ENG-ESP]@hafizullah
by @mrchef111Creamy Garlic Dip Recipe@stevenson7
by @brume7☀️ Salchichas guisadas con aliños sobrante que tenía en casa / Sausages stewed with leftover seasonings that I had at home [ESP/ENG] ☀️@hafizullah
by @noalysGreen peas soup with chorizo, paprika, chives and cilantro.🍲@stevenson7
by @denissemataTorta de pan🎂🥖 te enseño a preparar está deliciosa torta paso a paso. [ESP-ENG]@stevenson7
by @alvonsohiverhow to make avocado juice is very easy and simple@hafizullah
by @shopnilhasanWatermelon 🍉 Juice 🥤 making Really tasty 😋@hafizullah
by @alina21COOKING Vlog How to Make Bengali Style Malpua At Home ?@hafizullah
by @mariajcastro28Deliciosas, crujientes y saludables papas fritas en freidora de aire 🍟 Delicious, Crispy and Healthy Air Fryer Fries 🍟@hafizullah
by @malhy ESP-ENG 🥥Delicioso y cremoso arroz con coco🥥😋 // 🥥Delicious and creamy coconut rice🥥😋.@ashikstd
by @maytomRainbow Cassava Layer Cake.@ashikstd
by @itsostylishComfort in a Bowl. Bright, Tasty, Vegetable Soup@stevenson7
by @mariamor785Liver with onion, rice and salad a tasty lunch//Hígado encebollado, arroz y ensalada un rico almuerzo. ENG-ESP @priyanarc
by @denissemataEnsalada de gallina y aguacate🥑 te enseño a prepararla paso a paso. [ESP-ENG]@kaerpediem
by @simaroyHomemade delicious Chitala Chitala fish jhol recipe@kaerpediem
by @alina21COOKING Vlog CHICKEN Kasha The Best RECIPE !! CINEMATIC Video@hafizullah
by @katiefreespiritHomemade Easter yeast cake with raisins. Delicious Easter cake 🐣 / Wielkanocna baba drożdżowa z rodzynkami@priyanarc
by @anggreklestariGreen Curry Potatoes For Dinner@priyanarc
by @valenpba[Esp/Eng] Exquisita torta con harina de maíz // Exquisite cake with corn flour.@hafizullah
by @jluvs2flySmoked Beef Brisket@stevenson7
by @imargasa[ENG-ESP] Salted Fish Curd, Accompanied by Rice and Black Beans. / Cuajado de Pescado Salado, Acompañado de Arroz y Caraota Negra.@stevenson7
by @mariajcastro28Deliciosas brochetas mixtas con vegetales en freidora de aire 🍢 Delicious mixed skewers with vegetables in an air fryer 🍢@hafizullah
by @alina21COOKING Vlog Make Finger Licking Onion Pakoda At Home !@hafizullah
by @attom1515[ENG/ESP] Three Milks Rice / Arroz Tres Leches@stevenson7

diy: crafting

by @zullyarte📦📚Caja libro de cartón multiusos decorada con plantilla/ 📦📚 Multi-purpose cardboard book box decorated with template @rezoanulvibes
by @carolycesar15Tutorial:How to make A container decorated with a cute bear, useful for organizing pencils or sweets to give away. //Como hacer Un contenedor decorado con un lindo oso, útil para organizar lápices o dulces para obsequiar.@rezoanulvibes
by @mariamglow[ESPENG] Elabora este lindo y útil bolso usando fieltro.💚 Make this cute and useful bag using felt.💚@kaerpediem
by @alizmarpaola[ESP-ENG] •Hermosos vestidos de papel Paso a Paso •Beautiful paper dresses Step by Step @rezoanulvibes
by @eylis[ESP/ING] Lindo gato con material reciclado. >Cute cat with recycled material.@rezoanulvibes
by @apunawuNeedleWork: Delay of Slippers Demand Brought a Friendship @kaerpediem
by @kellyrsaDIY - Surprise gift box [ENG/ESP]@rezoanulvibes
by @ary21Simpático saltamonte 🦗,por @ary21//Nice grasshopper 🦗,by @ary21@rezoanulvibes
by @joseluis91[ESP/ENG]🐦Realizando En Madera un Pajaro Muy Común En Mi Pueblo//🐦making in wood a very common bird in my town@rezoanulvibes
by @angdavid21ENG/ESP Combat helicopter made with cardboard. Helicóptero de combate hecho con cartón.@rezoanulvibes
by @arita992 ESP/ENG 🐰🐇Cajita de Regalos Para Esta Pascua //gift box for easter@rezoanulvibes
by @kathelopez77 Esp/Eng Tutorial Hermosa cajita en forma de palma de coco con flor hawaiana/Tutorial Beautiful little box in the shape of a coconut palm with Hawaiian flower @rezoanulvibes
by @ary21Divertida culebra 🐍,por @ary21//Funny snake 🐍,by @ary21.@rezoanulvibes
by @valenpba[Esp/Eng] Decoración para interruptor de luz. // Decoration for light switch.@rezoanulvibes
by @emilymHow to make a radiant Bouquet of Roses 🌹 Red >< Como elaborar un radiante Ramo de Rosas 🌹 Rojas @rezoanulvibes
by @jorgelissanchezDisminuye la luz con un farol de cartulina Lámpara / Diminish the light with a cardboard lantern Lamp @rezoanulvibes
by @mayifiestas🌻💖🌻HERMOSO JOYERO PARA REGALAR EL DIA DE LA MADRE🌻💖🌻@rezoanulvibes
by @vickolySlippers Project For My Friend As a Birthday Gift@stevenson7
by @cruzjimenez01Tutorial: Como elaborar una bolsita, en foami con tematica de payaso. Manualidad paso a paso.//Tutorial: How to make a clown-themed foam bag. Step by step craft.@rezoanulvibes
by @mariangie[ESP/ENG]Hermoso centro de mesa inspirado en el conejo de pascua. // Beautiful centerpiece inspired by the Easter bunny.@rezoanulvibes
by @albakriz ESP / ING Fácil tutorial de cómo preparar un creativo y natural ramo de flores // Easy tutorial on how to prepare a creative and natural bouquet of flowers:@rezoanulvibes
by @kiutvariedades🍐🪡 Alfiletero en Forma de Pera 🧵💕 🍐🪡 Pear Shaped Pincushion 🧵💕@kaerpediem
by @rameurisLindo adorno para decorar espacios de oficinas / Nice ornament to decorate office spaces@rezoanulvibes
by @janettbrito76[ENG-ESP] Beautiful Fabric Doll // Hermosa Muñeca de Tela@rezoanulvibes
by @arita992 ESP/EN🎈Tierno Toppers de Dinosaurio//🎈cute dinosaur topper@rezoanulvibes
by @joseluis91[ESP/ENG]✴️Como Elabore este Sujetador de Cepillos Dentales//✴️How I managed to make this toothbrush holder@rezoanulvibes
by @nhaydu[ESP-ENG] : Tutorial: Elaboración De Un Sencillo Organizador Tipo Joyero Reciclando Materiales.//Making A Simple Jewelry Box Organizer Recycling Materials.//@rezoanulvibes
by @kathelopez77 Esp/Eng Arte en papel: Hermoso Cactus decorativo en 3D/Paper Art: Beautiful Decorative 3D Cactus@rezoanulvibes
by @estefania3Manualidades: Hagamos un Portapinceles con material reciclado Crafts: Let's make a Brush Holder with recycled material@rezoanulvibes
by @kdelvaegBolso decorativo hecho con material reciclado - Botella plástica / Decorative bag made from recycled material - Plastic bottle@rezoanulvibes
by @zullyarte🐰Conejitos porta servilletas /🐰bunnies napkin holder@rezoanulvibes
by @winelayDecorating the frame of a small mirror with clay A cute little coffee bean mirror @stevenson7
by @keco[Esp-Eng] Jasmín de Aladin, para decorar pastel de Cumpleaños. // Aladin Jasmine, to decorate Birthday cake. @rezoanulvibes
by @jorgelissanchezHermoso adorno de bienvenida para el hogar / Beautiful welcome home decoration@rezoanulvibes
by @jennyzerAdorno para lápiz. Pencil ornament.@rezoanulvibes
by @flaca38Cartera con forma de cara de conejo/Rabbit face shaped wallet@rezoanulvibes
by @aksurevm89[Eng/Esp] DIY: Decorate and restore your worn books by hand painting these beautiful mandalas. // Tutorial@rezoanulvibes
by @morenacanela🏎️Coches de cartón.[ENG-ESP]Cardboard cars.🏎️@rezoanulvibes
by @janettbrito76[ENG-ESP] Spectacular Eva Rubber Bracelet to give as a gift // Espectacular Pulsera en Goma Eva para regalar@rezoanulvibes
by @marifranci73[ESP-ENG] 💮 Hermoso Cintillo para la traviesa Sophia 💮Beautiful headband for naughty Sophia@rezoanulvibes
by @mariamglow[ESPENG] Cómo hacer un lindo marcalibros usando pocos materiales.🔖 How to make a cute bookmark using only a few materials.🔖@rezoanulvibes
by @nadin-zakrevskaHandmade for Easter / Ручна робота до свята Великдень En/Ua @priyanarc
by @alizmarpaolaLindo conejito para obsequio Cute bunny as a gift🐰@rezoanulvibes
by @elmundodebettyUsa los sobrantes de tela y elabora esta pequeña y tierna Pinguinita! Use leftover fabric and make this cute little Penguin!@rezoanulvibes
by @angdavid21ENG/ESP Hummer H4 made with reusable cardboard. Hummer H4 hecha con carton reutilizable@rezoanulvibes
by @brume7☀️ Útil Portanotas para decorar la Cocina/Useful note holder to decorate the kitchen [ESP/ENG]☀@rezoanulvibes
by @petymora17Multiuso De Unicornio / Unicorn Multipurpose@rezoanulvibes
by @yennysferm71Diy Portacelular para Escritorio/ Diy Cell Phone Holder for Desk@priyanarc
by @zullyarte🧐👌Como decorar un colgador de paños de cocina/🧐👌How to decorate a kitchen towel hanger@rezoanulvibes
by @brahiam15 [Esp Eng] Porta hilos de coser. Sewing thread holder.@rezoanulvibes
by @kathelopez77 Esp/Eng Diy/ Hermosa y colorida cortina primaveral de papel/Diy/ Beautiful and colorful paper spring curtain @rezoanulvibes

This is service is 100% non-profit!

all of our curation rewards are going directly back to the delegators via weekly payouts! HP is payed out in HIVE! So feel free to support us with your delegation and earn passive income: 25 HP | 50 HP | 100 HP | 250 HP | 500 HP | 1000 HP


Thank you so much for your support. I will keep trying.

Gracias por el apoyo brindado mis amores 🥰

Gracias por la mencion y el apoyo en mis post 🤗✨

Gracias por la apreciación queridos amigos.

Gracias amigos 😊

Muchas gracias @diyhub por la mención y la valoraciones de todos, gracias gracias 😊

Thank you for your support

Thanks for the support to all the #diy team @diyhub and @priyanarc

Thank you for your support!

Muchas gracias por el apoyo. Que tengan una excelente semana.

Feliz día amigos de @diyhub, gracias por su valioso apoyo, que Dios los bendiga siempre. Que tengan un gran día 😊.

Thanks you so much for the support

Es increíble la cantidad de trabajos maravillosos que los integrantes de Hivediy están realizando. Muchas gracias por apoyar mi humilde trabajo. bendiciones.

Thank you for your visit and support in the future, I will try to try the best content.

Thanks for your support !PIZZA


PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
(1/5) @life-hacker tipped @diyhub (x1)

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Wow, thank you very much for the support, and congratulations to all those mentioned, greetings and hugs. 🤗❤️

Gracias por su apoyo equipo de @diyhub. :)

Muchas gracias por el apoyo @diyhub. Siempre agradecida con ustedes. 😊

Thanks You @stevenson7 y @diyhub❤️❤️

Thanks so much for your support.

Gracias por la mención

Como siempre #DiyHub es un sol y un precioso apoyo para mis cresciones. Mil gracias 😊