So I Show My this post. I hope You Like And Encourage Me😉.Hopefully You All Are Doing Well. Today I Am Participating Again In @diyuhub . Today I Am Very Happy Because I Beautiful Saminar Held In My College😊. I Ma Going In Specially To Attend This Knowledgefull And Special Seminar. This Saminer Improve My Hart Health And Also Gain My Knowledge. The Special Thing Is That The Speach To The Special Guest. It's Speach Is Full Of Knowledge🙂. That's Was New For Me. This Saminar Is Conduct By my Class Boy. Generally I heard About Boys who are behind the good deeds Butt in there in Wrong. So I contributed In Saminar To Make The Flex Design Ho This Seminar. The Saminar Topis Is " Istakbal E Ramzan Saminar". I made this flex with full attention and in deep of heart.
Used Process
Adobe Photoshop
Types Tool
Blending Monds
Some Effect
First Ho All I Wrote In Simple Word And Font. Because there Should Be No Mistake In The Word.

In Second I Convert This Word In To Calligraphy. And Then apply Some Calligraphy Templates in it's. To make This attractive And Beautiful. Also apply put a subjugation On It To Improve The Look Of It.
Then I type another words I Simple Fonts. And Then Mold Into Calligraphy. Because Boys Said To Mold All The Word in Arabic style. Then apply in it subjugation on it and also apply some templetes of Calligraphy. And The lower Text Mold In Bold Font Al Word Is Complete Here. It's The Main words Of The Saminar. I Show You There.
Then I Move made It Final Look And Background Etc. First I Spend Lot Of Time To Decide The Colour Combination. And Then I Took A Weet Paper Image The Apply Colour Of Dark Shade. Also Apply Some Effect on it. The Lower Side I Decided To Coloured In Light shape this Combination Is Look So Beautiful And Attractive😍.
Then in next I Decided To Take Tree High Resolution Images. I Spacial image apply on the upper dark colour part Of the flex. This image send me my honorable sir. That's images help me to improve My Design.
In next putt The Fisrt Text On its. "Ahlan Wa Sahlan Ya Ramzan". This text I adjust on the top side. Then I coloured white and Apply blending options. In blending option I apply stroke and shadow.
In second lest step I putt on this artbord second text. "Istakbal E Ramzan Saminar". This Text I Adjust in the lower side on the flex. And Apply stroke and shadow. And Coloured the Darkem red shade. And putsome beautiful flowers on it And Make more beautiful And attractive Design. This fallower Fill Some Space and make the my post more gorgeous.
In Last step I Change the fallower. Shape And Rotate it's. And apply glow on the back side of the text of the lower part. So that it looks like the light is coming from behind it. I am Happy to make this design. This design looking Beautiful Because it belonged to the religion of Allah. In there I Final my Post
I hope You Like My Post😍
This isn't the end it's just a new beginning. So I will come back with a more inhancive projuct Inshallah.
Until then you take care of yourself😊
Allah Hafiz
Great job and Ramadan Mubarak. Keep it up good work 👍.
It is looking too much great. Ramzan mu arik buttttt the members of diyhub can't understand Arabic as well as Urdu ..