Ship from ice cream stick

in DIYHub28 days ago

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Hello, friend

How are you all .Going last day of February ,And the weather is very happy .

Light rain at night .And morning weather is very beautiful .

Today I woke up in the morning, when I came out somewhere, I showed a ship on the sky. I am very fond of seeing ship .

So today I made a ship with an ice cream stick.


-Ice Cream Stick

-Gum gun


-Black color

-Color brush


First of all, I put Gana Gum on electricity so that it would become hot .If gan gum is well hot then started my work .

I am from ice cream stick .

Then I took a gum on the ice cream stick .Then I put him on the gum and another ice cream stick .

I just put all the ice cream on a little faster of ice cream stick .

I was enjoying a lot while making a ship.I am very fond of seeing ship .

Then I cut the ship beyond the ice cream stick .And gave the shop above it .

After that the ship's wing were severed with the ship.After the wing, the ship started to look like a complete .

After that I put small bulbs on the wing.I made this a folk of a ship .Which looked very cute .

Now I had to make ship tires .Then I make three tires from ice cream stick .

Then I black color on the tire on the ice cream stick .The type looked very tremendous after the black color on the ice cream stick .

Then I attached these tires with the ship .Now the ship was allmost completed .

After that I proved the ship .And the back of the ship completed .

My ship was allmost completed .And it looked very beautiful .

Final look

I made it with great dedication and hard work .Because I made this first time, then the first time is a little difficult for a human being.

You will tell how you all like my ship .Inshallah Next will make something else .

Thank you

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 28 days ago  

Your airplane craft looks so real and original. Nice work