in DIYHublast month

If you are like me and you are tired of caring the same hair style over and over this post is definitely for you. I too use to get really tired of my hair till I mastered these seven styles and I never have to worry about always caring the same style over and over and all that is required is

• A robber band (preferable 2)
• A Claw clip
• A scrunches hair parker
• A Scarf
• Any hair accessory of your choice preferable a hair clips

These styles are really stressed free, very easy for anyone to achieve. Thanks to these styles I no longer have to worry about having to take off my braids in a space of two weeks or less.
Prior to me learning how to style my hair I used to struggle a lot with keeping my braids on for too long with cost me so much money because I also don’t know how to style my natural hair. This styles have not just helped me be able to style my natural hair, but it has help me to be spontaneous whiles I do so and now I think the next thing I want to do is learn how to style my natural hair by myself as well.

How I achieved each style
The first is really simple. One I would like to call my day to day style. It is simply letting your hair flow on your shoulders in form of a side parting which is basically my day to day style.

This next style will be very easily understood by my Nigerian friends. It more like the style called baby face. So basically you divide your hair into to segment at the front and at the back. We allow the back to flow and divide the front in form of a side parting, park it in form of a down ponytail with the claw pin and leave out two stands in front.

back view

The next one is simply an up bon. And the beauty of this style is in the hairs parker and I used a scrunches.

The next one is almost like number 2. You divide your hair in a center parting, grab like three stands from the back of each side and use it to hold your hair together by tying it. This way you don’t have to worry about your getting into your face. It is very easy right.


The next one is a bit tricky. Divide your hair in side parting, grab the parts you divided to make a side part, take it all to the back and use a robber band to park it. The center will remain then you park it along with the one you already parked at the back in form of a high ponytail.


This one gets more complex. So basically it a two ponytail with a bon and two stands of hair in the front. As for the sides, you basically just hold the hair and rap it to the back before parking it.


This next style I like to call the mum style because my mum loves doing this style is very convenient. Basically you just grab the back side of your hair, tie it and tock the rest of the hair inside.


The next one is just a simple style. Using a scarf to park you hair.

Note that all this styles are basic it depends on how much accessories you are willing to use to make it spontaneous.