Found you on Hive! 😊😊 I'm joining this!! just done with the three steps 😉👍 good luck to all!
inviting my fellow CTPers: @pixiepost @ph1102 @flaxz @bradleyarrow @maddogmike
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Found you on Hive! 😊😊 I'm joining this!! just done with the three steps 😉👍 good luck to all!
inviting my fellow CTPers: @pixiepost @ph1102 @flaxz @bradleyarrow @maddogmike
Posted using Dapplr
Great to know you have tagged some of your coolest friends. Thank you for joining and stay tuned for the result. May the luck be on your favor. Have you joined our twitter giveaway too?
Cheers !
yes I found you on twitter first 🤣😂
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Hey, thanks for tagging me, girl. This looks pretty interesting. I like that they include videos AND other DIY topics.
Who knows? Maybe someday I will post a DIY project? But they won't involve plants...or cooking....🤣
Okay, on second thought, I think I will stick to my videos...😁
Since you tagged some of our peeps already, I will include @russellstockley
Hey, we actually include cooking and gardening. If you say plants, we have Nature DIY theme. Hoping to see some of your DIY cooking and nature themed post or others of your preference. Good luck winning the raffle.
Cheers !
Oh nice!! Ha ha I will pass the word along. My way with plants are.....interesting! I am sure you will see in the future. Let's just day I don't really have a green thumb 🤣🤣 Thank you for the luck! :)
Take care.
Will try and check it out.