Draw a circle scenery drawing with me

in DIYHub2 days ago

Sometimes we don’t know that we are capable of doing certain things until we give them a shot. “I can’t do this, I can’t do that” are mere words most people say when they are not willing to do something.

Does that situation or problem look insurmountable? Have you lost hope already? Why don’t you tackle it first before concluding? Anyway, this is part of what happened to me today.

I wanted to draw today but looking at the picture it felt like a very difficult task and at first, I didn’t want to give it a shot.
I saw this as something only professionals could do but I guess I was wrong.

One hack I have come to learn and use a lot while drawing is breaking gigantic figures into smaller shapes and forms as it makes it easier to draw.



Today I was able to draw this beautiful circle scenery drawing. To achieve this drawing I used the following materials and followed the below steps.

Black Biro



Step 1:
I started by making a large circle in which my drawing would be made.


Step 2:
I proceeded to divide the large circle into two equal parts.


Step 3:
I forged ahead to make the bricks of the fence by drawing horizontal lines inside the circle and dividing each line with short vertical lines.



Step 4:
Satisfied with how the bricks turned out, I proceeded to draw a circle which is the sun.


Step 5:
The fence was made, my sun was out, it was time to draw the little branch, shade the sun a bit and draw the birds and the lamp.


I made all the necessary corrections and voila! My drawing was complete and I was so excited.
It took a while to complete this drawing but at the end of the day it was worth it😃


All images are mine except otherwise stated.

Thanks for stopping by
Loads of Love🥰🥰


the result is very beautiful, the atmosphere in the picture looks calm and romantic.

 17 hours ago  

Wow, you were really inspired this time. Your work today is very striking and geometric, plus your way of sharing the photos of the creative process is exemplary. Thanks for being part of the DIYHub Family.

It may be complex, but you've pulled it off, and very elegantly. I love that you challenge yourself, that speaks very well of you. Thank you for sharing this drawing, it's another stepping stone on your way to success. Hugs Ibbtammy!!!

Quedo muy lindo. También me ha pasado, creo que es difícil y luego cuando lo intento lo hago bien.

muy lindo, buen trabajo!

very nice, good job!

So beautiful

Very cool... I love the simplicity of your arts.... Lovely