[DIY] Hand-painted T-shirt [ENG-ESP] Remera pintada a mano

in DIYHub20 days ago (edited)


Good day hive diy friends, well, actually, good afternoon from Buenos Aires. Today I come to show you with a clear example how to paint a t-shirt by hand, it is easier than it seems, I've been doing this type of painting for a long time and never fails, but I did not have a new project to show you and taking advantage of the excuse, I bring it today, for all the T-shirts and overalls that I have painted in the past.

VERSION EN ESPAÑOL (click aquí!)

Buen día amigos de hive diy, bueno, en realidad, buenas tardes desde Buenos Aires. Hoy les vengo a mostrar con un ejemplo claro cómo pintar una remera a mano, es más sencillo de lo que parece, llevo haciendo este tipo de pintura hace mucho tiempo y nunca falla, pero no tenía un nuevo proyecto que mostrarles y aprovechando la excusa, lo traigo hoy, por todas las Remeras y buzos que he pintado en el pasado.



The first thing we need is the garment to paint. In my case I bought a white T-shirt, but it can also be colored or black. The only detail to take into account in those cases is to give a minimum white base so that the color adheres better. Here we go!

VERSION EN ESPAÑOL (click aquí!)

Lo primero que necesitamos es la prenda a pintar. En mi caso compré unas Remeras blancas, pero también puede ser de color, o negro. El único detalle a tener en cuenta en esos casos es dar una mínima base blanca para que adhiera mejor el color. ¡Ahí vamos!



My excuse was a band concert, I hadn't been to see live rock for a long time and since I got my ticket well in advance, I had plenty of time to paint something special, I didn't like the designs they were selling and although I couldn't finish mine, I went for it.

VERSION EN ESPAÑOL (click aquí!)

Mi excusa fue un recital de una banda, hace mucho no iba a ver rock en vivo y como saqué la entrada con mucha anticipación, tuve tiempo de sobra de pintarme algo especial, no me gustaban los diseños que vendían y aunque no pude terminar la mía, me lance.



It starts very simple, you make the drawing on paper and glue it to a base that will not move. If your shirt is white, copy the outline with a pencil. I used a flashlight to help me because I couldn't see the details very well, but it wasn't difficult at all. If your t-shirt is colored or the design is bigger, I recommend you to use carbon paper for fabric, you draw over it and it goes through the lines, but this paint does not stay on the fabric, it comes off with the first wash.

VERSION EN ESPAÑOL (click aquí!)

Se comienza muy simple, haces el dibujo en papel y lo pegas a una base que no se vaya a mover. Si tu remera es blanca, copia el contorno con un lápiz. Yo me ayudé con una linterna porque no veía muy bien los detalles, pero no fue nada difícil. Si tu remera es de color o más grande el diseño, te recomiendo usar papel carbónico para tela, le dibujas encima y traspasa las líneas, pero esta pintura no se queda en la tela, se sale con el primer lavado.



Unfortunately for me, there are many years of having paints everywhere, and many were dry, so I could not recover any of those that are for fabric and I did it with acrylic. I recommend this if you have the possibility to do the first wash by hand, anyway it will come off a little, but I like it, it gives it a worn and original touch with the passage of time. I used to do that when I was in school and they still keep their paint today. Dedication is very important (and so is the quality of the cotton).

VERSION EN ESPAÑOL (click aquí!)

Lamentablemente para mi, son muchos años de tener pinturas por todos lados, y muchas estaban secas, asique no pude recuperar ninguna de las que son para tela y lo hice con acrílico. Te recomiendo esto si tienes la posibilidad de hacer el primer lavado a mano, de todos modos se irá saliendo un poco, pero a mi me gusta, le da un toque gastado y original con el paso del tiempo. Hacía eso cuando estaba en la escuela y aún hoy conservan su pintura. La dedicación es muy importante ( y la calidad del algodón también)


As I wanted to make a dark border effect, I started like this. With a rather thin brush I gave one coat to all the edges and then went on blending. I took the same dark color and used a medium, blended it and continued inward.

VERSION EN ESPAÑOL (click aquí!)

Como quería hacer un efecto de bordes oscuros, comencé así. Con un pincel bastante finito le di una mano a todos los bordes y luego fui haciendo mezclas. Tomé el mismo color oscuro y usé uno medio, lo mezclé y continué hacia adentro.



Then I continued with the medium tone and a light tone, so I painted most of it. And then at the end, fill in with just the light color. Little by little and blending inwards I achieved the effect I wanted. Of course, the paint doesn't have to be completely dry when you do it, so after the first lap which was slower, I did it with speed.

VERSION EN ESPAÑOL (click aquí!)

Luego continúe con el tono medio y un tono claro, con eso pinte la mayor parte. Y luego al final, rellene solo con el color claro. De a poco y difuminando hacia adentro logre el efecto que deseaba. Claro, la pintura no tiene que estar totalmente seca cuando lo hagas, así que luego de la primera vuelta que fue más lenta, lo hice con velocidad.


I also wanted to do a phrase below “Stay closer, take me further” which is from the band, but as I preferred to let everything dry, I didn't do it in time, although I will do it soon to finish it as I would like. I also recommend, if you haven't done it before, to try on the t-shirt when you have the drawing in pencil, to see if it is centered. I show you the end only, but I clarify that I did not do this step, I have other tricks and many previous T-shirts of experience (some turned out well and others quite bad, you always learn).

VERSION EN ESPAÑOL (click aquí!)

Yo quería hacer también una frase abajo "Quedate más cerca, llevame más lejos" que es de la banda, pero como preferí dejar secar todo, ya no hice a tiempo, aunque la haré pronto para terminarla como me gustaría. También te recomiendo, si no lo haz hecho antes, probarte la remera cuando tengas el dibujo en lápiz, para ver si está centrado. Yo les muestro el final únicamente, pero aclaro que yo no hice este paso, tengo otros trucos y muchas Remeras anteriores de experiencia ( algunas resultaron bien y otras bastante mal, se aprende siempre)


After drying all night, when I woke up I saw the finished work and I couldn't believe it. Sometimes I'm surprised by the things I do, I don't know if it's a lack of recognition or if I'm surprised because I did them myself. I really loved how the drawing turned out, the color, and the day of the recital I left home very happy with the t-shirt on, although it wasn't until I arrived that I wore it, because it was still a little cold.

VERSION EN ESPAÑOL (click aquí!)

Luego de secar toda la noche, cuando desperté vi el trabajo terminado y no lo podía creer. A veces me sorprendo de las cosas que hago, no se si es falta de reconocimiento o si me sorprendo porque las hice yo. Realmente me encantó como quedó el dibujo, el color, y el día del recital salí muy feliz de casa con la remera puesta, aunque no fue hasta que llegue que la lucí, porque hacía un poco de frío aún.


I hope you liked it and I encourage you to paint your T-shirts. You can also start by painting a garment that has gone bad, has stains or that you don't mind damaging. The only risk is that it turns out amazing and if you wanted to get rid of the garment because it was old or something like that, don't do it and keep it for many more years!!! Hope it was a great Thursday for everyone. Big hugs

VERSION EN ESPAÑOL (click aquí!)

Espero que les haya gustado y se animen a pintar sus Remeras. También puedes comenzar pintando alguna prenda que se haya puesto mala, que tenga manchas o que no te importe dañar. El único riesgo es que te salga increíble y si te querías desprender de la prenda porque estaba vieja o algo así, no lo hagas y la conserves por muchos años más!! Espero que haya sido un jueves genial para todos. Un abrazo grande


Thanks for reading me, Kiki✨
Gracias por leerme, Kiki ✨

Let's talk on Discord: littlesorceress #8877

I own the rights to all the photos I used in this post, unless otherwise indicated
Pictures taken with a Samsung A42 📷

I use

DeepLearning for translations
Canva for editions


My, that's so cool. You can turn colored clothes into an even cooler shirts!

Of course!! and I have painted things that I wanted and could not buy anywhere, and if you have to order them specially, they can also print anything. I have a t-shirt with a phrase that I love from my favorite band and poor thing, it looks like an old rag (it is! haha) but when I look at it it still has flashes of art. I've also painted drawings of my own. I loved everything I learned exploring the world of painting on cloth!

You are so amazing, this is one of the awesome thing you can do when you are an artist. You can explore everything and be creative 🤩

Te quedo muy hermosa ❤️ Yo tengo una blusa que hace poco se me manchó, tomaré esta idea para recuperarla, ya que me gustaba mucho

Muchas gracias 😊 Aprovecha esa blusa, o las que encuentres de alguien con quien vives también, jaja, para probar, comenzar y aprender. Todo vale!! Te aliento a que lo hagas y nos muestres!! Saludos y gracias por pasar!

Me gustó mucho cómo quedó el diseño que escogiste para pintar la franela. Ese color está hermoso.

I really liked the design you chose to paint the t-shirt. That colour is beautiful.

Muchas gracias, @rosana6 Muy amable, el diseño es el logo de la banda "El plan de la mariposa" Cuyo dibujo parece una mariposa, pero intenta ser una mancha de rorschach también. Mira, hace poco hice este aplique de lentejuelas con el mismo diseño. Te agradezco tus palabras y te deseo un bonito fin de semana! 😊

This is absolutely mind blowing. To think that you did it all with your hands!

I feel I would make loads of mistakes because of how intricate the design looks. (The initial sketch looked like the human pelvis 😄)

Thus is outstanding and definitely wonderful of you, your such a great artist and your painting skills are epic and extremely professional. Am pressed by your handmade craft and wishing ypu all the best friend

Aww, very nice of you! Such nice words. I was hoping to share this as a part of my favorite crafts and have been super flattered! And even, I want to keep learning and re-experimenting on it, sometimes I go a long time without doing something and when I pick it up again it's like no time has passed at all. A certain magnetic question tells me how I should do something I learned years ago. Have a nice Friday, my friend! Regards

This is beautiful and I'll love to try this at home.
Thank you so much for taking out time to explain in details your steps.
As I'll try mine, I'll first use an old white t-shit of mine , I hope my first time wouldn't be so messy.

Thank you for your words and I am very happy to hear that you are going to try it. Look, I'll tell you something, when I was a kid, this was my style of mischief, and I always made messes. Paint would fall on the bed, on other clothes, on the walls.... But well, that's how I learned haha.

I wish you a nice evening!

What a way of mischief.😆
Well this mischief is more productive now.

 20 days ago (edited) 

Aww. This is really beautiful. We envy you. You literally can paint anything you want on a T-shirt because you certainly have years of experience. The best part is you can tweak ny designs to suit your taste. We admire you. And we are glad you decided to share this with us today. We hope had fun at the concert.

Thank you very much! Definitely the concert was the best, many years without going to one. And the painting, well, the experience gives it the touch. I have given away many of those garments, others were sold, and others I keep. Experimenting really brings me a lot of joy and when beautiful things turn out, well, how can I avoid sharing them! I was very happy to go back to painting and taking pictures to share! Thank you for your support!!!


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👏 Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️ 👏
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