Discard, Recycle or Salvage your outfits, Which would you rather do?

in DIYHublast month

Hello Hive

Would you rather discard your outfits if there is a tear or burn or burn on them or seek a solution?? My friend loves this blouse so much that when pressing iron burnt a piece of it, she wouldn't stop lamenting. Sometimes a burn or tear gives us an opportunity to recycle some clothes, while for some we can still salvage the cloth and make it into the same design like it was before. For other outfits, we just have to turn it into something new, as it will no longer be enough to make the former outfit for us.


A happy new day to our creative community. Yesterday evening I was opportune to save my friend of a little distress with her blouse. She gave their house help the blouse to assist her with ironing, but he got a part of it burned out here.


It was a distressing moment for her, as she needed it for a concert this Saturday. While ironing, he wasn't aware that there is a temperature range that must be used for different fabrics. When you check your iron, the range is there, and some iron will even write the type of material each heat range can support.

If we ignore the warning and iron clothes carelessly, there is every possibility of getting our clothes burned out.


She was worried about the musical concert she had intended to wear the outfit to, and now it has ruined.
While I decided to assist her, the dress has a bit of a pleat, such that replacing the burnt area will take a lot of time and stress.

Actually, I prefer making new clothes to recycling work or an adjustment; those kinds of activities take a whole lot of time.
While sewing new clothes, you just cut the outfit and sew, but for this, you have to undo stitches, work around another piece that will fit into it, and then sew it back.

My friend's unhappy face made me go all the way to fix her dress. Starting with unstitching


Then I cut another piece to fix therein.

Then here I have to sew it in such a way that it will be evident that a joining of an extra fabric was done right there. It was a bit tricky, as you have to learn the accurate measurements of fabric to add in order to pleat the blouse properly.



It was the time to stitch it back and iron it out neat.




My friend realized how important it is to have a little knowledge of sewing even if it is with needle and thread. This could have cost her some money If I wasn't here to help out and she has to give it to a tailor for repair


The blouse was such a beautiful one when I was done and now understood why my friend was distressed, and moreover, I was happy to have saved the lovely blouse.


Left for me, I would seek solution just like you've done with that blouse. I remember I was ironing and burnt my white package shirt , I bought rhinestone and gave the shirt a new look. 😂

 last month  

At the end of the day your friend's most cherished cloth was saved, you did a good job in fixing it, well done.

Is recycling not preferable?