(ESP-ENG) Tutorial De Pintura Cielo Nocturno 🌜

in DIYHub6 months ago

Hola cómo están amigos feliz noche para todos ustedes soy nuevo en esta comunidad y me gusta realizar tutoriales de pintura, quiero compartir con ustedes un nuevo arte que he realizado, últimamente me gusta pintar cielos nocturnos donde este presente la luna así que para hoy les tengo una que he creado recientemente.

Estaba un poco perdido así que estoy de vuelta para seguir mostrando contenido y así poder mostrarles el arte que me gusta realizar, debo decirles que es muy difícil destacar en estos tiempos, la verdad es hay muchos artistas en el mundo, pero rendirse no es una opción.

Hello how are you friends happy evening to all of you I am new to this community and I like to make painting tutorials, I want to share with you a new art that I have made, lately I like to paint night skies where the moon is present so for today I have one that I have created recently.

I was a little lost so I'm back to continue showing content and so I can show you the art that I like to do, I must tell you that it is very difficult to stand out in these times, the truth is there are many artists in the world, but giving up is not an option.

Aquí pueden observar el proceso de la pintura les estaré explicando un poco como lo he realizado.

Primero he utilizado un blog de dibujo, aquí el lienzo es muy costoso y la verdad prefiero pintar en hojas de cartulina que son resistentes a la pintura, asi que pinte toda la hoja con el color negro con ayuda de un pincel, me gusta cubrí todo que no queden espacios sin pintar.

Al terminar de pintar utilicé un pincel delgado y realicé las nubes, para esto coloque color blanco y un poquito de agua para crear el efecto más realista.

Coloque la media luna un poco pequeña y la pinte en amarillo al final agregue estrellas que le darán una belleza al cielo.

Here you can see the process of painting and I will be explaining a little bit how I have done it.

First I used a drawing blog, here the canvas is very expensive and the truth is that I prefer to paint on cardboard sheets that are resistant to paint, so I painted the entire sheet with the black color with the help of a brush, I like to cover everything so there are no unpainted spaces.

When I finished painting I used a thin brush and made the clouds, for this I put white color and a little bit of water to create the most realistic effect.

Place the crescent moon a little small and paint it in yellow at the end add stars that will give a beauty to the sky.

Y así quedo terminado la pintura espero que puedan disfrutar de lo hermoso que es la naturaleza y el cielo en las noches que es algo increíblemente maravilloso.

I hope you can enjoy the beauty of nature and the night sky, which is something incredibly wonderful.

Thanks for reading

Until next time


Hello how are you friends happy evening to all of you I am new to this community and I like to make painting tutorials.

Hello @newmanjosue welcome to our community, we are happy to have you here😃

Diyhub is a lovely community and I know for a fact that you’d love it here.

Just a quick piece of advice friend.
We advise that you present your work in a tutorial form, one that is simple and can guide just anyone who wishes to create whatever you have made.

Firstly, you start by listing out all the materials you used for your painting.

Secondly, you show us the steps you took, and with every step comes a picture.

Thirdly you show us the final work, easy right?😃

For more information, you can read the pinned post above.

I hope this helps and see you around friend😃

Oh thank you very much for the welcome, I will practice to improve my posts, thank you for these tips, they are important for me to continue improving.

que hermoso! quedo muy bien

How beautiful!

Gracias muchas gracias me alegro mucho que te guste

Que hermoso pintura 😍

What a beautiful painting 😍

@yaslenysofia Gracias por ver mi publicación muy agradecido

Que bello! Hiciste un muy lindo trabajo, me encanto! <3