A work in Progress

in DIYHub3 months ago


Since its the beginning of the year, I wanted to have an exact idea on how much my savings are every forthnight. I am being paid a specific amount here but sometimes, things happen( I get sick, I am late, etc). That resulted in a varied income stream. The difference is just a few hundred dollars but still, when you add that up, that becomes something else.

I would like to call this a work in progress because I found out last year that sometimes, I am unable to fulfill my savings challenge( that is saving a specific amount per day- as I have set with my bank account).

This year, I would like to make a shorter commitment( having a shorter savings challenge). In that way, I will not feel as frustrated as I had been last year.

So I started with a blank dotted page.

I used my ruler to create a gauge- the black gauge will be my savings( I'll be shading the level of the amount saved- e.g. if I saved 1500- then I will shade the lines in between 1000 and 2000).

I used my stencils to create the months- yes- my hand writing is atrocious.


Another look on the gauge I made.


So here is the finished product. In a nutshell- I only created the template until March because I want to know how effective this one is.

There are diamonds every other month- and a plus and equal sign. In every diamond- that will represent how much I have saved in a forthnight. Add 2 forthnights to make one month. The bigger diamond( same color) will contain the total amount I have saved for that month( January). In February, that would be the total amount saved on that month and the previous month. Well, the red one will be any amount I would have taken to address my needs.

Pretty straightforward. I don't know if its going to work but, tomorrow will be the first time I am gonna use it. Let's all find out in a couple of months shall we?
