Beautifull flowers

in DIYHub26 days ago (edited)


Hopefully you all are doing well. Today I am going to show you all something beautifull. Actually with the help of the clay we can made every thing. I also gave some gifts to my customers with clay. Hahaha its a lil bit cute. Today I am sharing my flowers made up with clay with you all. Let me show you all . I am participating in @diyhub again. I tried to made the nature happy. Here I had shared the final look of my work.

        **Final Look**

Here is my vedio


Yellow clay

Green clay

White clay


First of all I unwrapped the clay of yellow colour. I took a little bit amount of the yellow clay . Let me show you.

It is too much easy . I a thinking that what shoul I wrote here hhahahaha. Well I started to rounded it up between my hands and I gave the shape of a circle to it. Let me sow you all the small circle of the yellow clay.

Then I started to took a little bit amount of the pink clay and then I started to made the circle of pink clay in the same way. I alhope you can understand what I am trying to say. Let me show you.

Then I started to made the petal of this pink circle. So I just pressed the circle between my fingers and then I attached it to the yellow circle. Let me dhare this step with you all.

Then I started to made the a more prtal in the same way. I just made two more oetals and atta hed to the yellow circle in a specific way. I jad shared the picture here. Hope so you can understand.

Then I complete my flower by attaching the more petals with the yellow circle. Now it is complete. Ket me show the final look of this flower.

I made two more in the same way. Let me show you all.

I hope you will like it.

I will come back soon with a new and aesthetic post Inshallah

Thank you so much for visiting my post and loving it a lot

Allah Hafiz and take care

See you later guys

Love a lot


Beautifuly diy post. Thanks for sharing..

I've always got to learn something from you. Well done Mate

Hihi JazakAllah

 26 days ago  

these flower petals are so cute. Thank you for

Thanks a lot

You've done a great job impressive 💪

Very beautiful and nicely done, well done and keep it up

Thank you

Your most welcome