Tasty doughnuts πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹ with clay

in DIYHub β€’ 3 days ago


Hopefully all are doing well today I am going to participate in @creative-sunday . actually I was not feeling well And today in the morning my teacher call me for some specific work I want to my Jamia and is it Holy Quran as you all know that Ramzan is going out and there are some specific Ramadan days are left when I came back from Jamia I study to watching the clothes I also decor my point my setup where I was where I made my raisin products then my mother went to the village and I started to made iftari well it was too much tireddy now I am free and I am going to make the post I am going to made something sweet doughnuts type you know I want to eat but I can't because there is no one is it home who can buy it for me so I made it with the clay and I am seeing it because I want to eat it.

        **Final Look**


Clay of different colours

A mind set which I have,,πŸ€§πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


First of all I took a little amount of the yellow
clay. I unwrapped it amd seperate a little amount let me show you

Then I started to made a circle of it and I press it with a glass plate and the circle converst into the pressed plate type structure let me show you.

Then I started to made the pink circle. I took a little amount of pink clay amd started to rounded it up btween my hands.

Then I do the same process and press this pink ball with glass and convert it into a pressed plate.

Then I started to do a whole between the both of them. I did hole with the help of the pipe. I had shared the picture here

Then I started to made the brown circle . Let me show you

I pressed this circle and convert again it into the plate type structire. I am trying to made some donuts.

I gave some designs on the edges and started to paste it on the pink doughnut. I also dona hole in it. Let me show you.

Then I did the same process with the yellow donut and this time I made a layer with green clay

Then I started to add some sweet charms on it. Let me show you.

Now it is almost complete. Let me show you the final picture.

I will come back soon with a new and aesthetic post Inshallah

Thank you so much for visiting my post and loving it a lot

Allah Hafiz and take care

See you later guys

Love a lot

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Β 3 days agoΒ Β 

Turning clay into realistic-looking doughnuts is impressive. The texture and color detailing make them look almost good enough to eat. Haha. Nice work.


Omg super lovely 🌹🌹


Congratulations, you received an ecency upvote through the curator @sahi1. Keep spreading love through ecency

Thank you

This is lovely and good also, well done and nice work
