Train your brain: 3D printing puzzles

in DIYHub4 years ago

Being in quarantaine isn't always easy. So I need to find ways to keep myself busy, and keep my mind balanced. Trying to solve a puzzle is a good way for me and it also trains the brain. So, being stuck inside how can I do that? The answer is very simple ... Just print it!
I was looking on Thingiverse on internet. This site has a large collection of things to print. So I start looking up and printed a few things.


The first one was an easy one. The puzzle has only 12 pieces and the result is a sphere. I've printed the pieces in 6 different colors and after a lot of patience I could make the puzzle :)


Let's move on to the second one. This is a tangram puzzle. So all the pieces together give you a square. IMG20200909WA0005.jpeg

Again, the puzzle has 12 pieces. There is more than one solution. I also printed the case to make a travel edition. Ouch .. no travel this time ... Well at least it will keep all the pieces together 😁

And we're going to the next level ... This one is a real challenge. It consists of 10 pieces, the numbers 0 to 9. You have to place them all on the platform. It took me a couple of days to complete it. I was always struggling with the last piece. Of course you can find the solution very easy on the internet, but I wanted to train my brain and challenge myself.


This is the result:

One of my next projects is to transfer a couple of puzzles I have into a 3D version and print them. I really hope we can buy filament very soon and I can keep on printing.

Stay healthy and keep your brain fit!


First time I see such puzzles. Really interesting, and thanks for sharing. :)

And the concept of printing your own puzzles also seems super fun.

It is indeed fun to print them myself. Gives me 2 times pleasure ... 1st on printing and 2nd on solving the puzzle 😆 It's amazing if you start to look for puzzles how many different ones you find.