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RE: Beeswax dipped twisted candles

in DIYHub2 years ago

I love them! Gorgeous. And such an ancient craft.

Now you have beeswax for furniture varnishing! Let's see those shelves.

And i know what you mean about napping. When I'm overwhelmed that's what I do.

I'm sorry you've been struggling babe. Hope you are coming out into the light as Spring bounces back into your lives x


So glad to have your feedback @riverflows! I love them and I wanted to make sure it's not just because of my excitement, haha!

Always plenty of beeswax in this house :)

Mixed feelings here! Partly exhausted and stressed, partly excited and can't wait:) I just wish I could control stress more, and this is a great opportunity to work on it, so work in progress like everything right now in my life :) And spring does help a lot!

Thank you so much!!!

I'm not very good at controlling stress either. If you find the secret tell me!!! Breath, breath, and compartmentalize. Not everything needs to be done in same hour. Lists and more lists! Xx

Yes, yes, yes! Oh my, endless lists :))
Thanks ❤️