Greetings, DIY Hub community! Today I want to present you a beautiful and colorful origami that I learned to make a few days ago. It’s about butterflies. Let's take a look at the process.
¡Saludos, comunidad de DIY Hub! El día de hoy deseo presentarles un bonito y colorido origami que aprendí a realizar hace algunos días. Se trata de unas mariposas. Veamos el proceso de elaboración.

As I mentioned in a previous post, I have recently become interested in the Japanese art of origami, as I have found it to be an entertaining and relaxing activity. In this case I‘m going to go a little bit out of the purist style, since I’m going to use some complementary elements in addition to the bills.
Como les comenté en un post anterior, en los últimos tiempos me he interesado por el arte japonés de la papiroflexia u origami, ya que me ha resultado una actividad entretenida y a la vez relajante. En este caso voy a salir un poco del estilo purista, puesto que voy a utilizar algunos elementos complementarios además de los billetes.

In this specific craft I not only use two pieces of paper, which in this case are bills, but I also make use of decorative beads and wire.
En esta manualidad en específico no solo uso dos piezas de papel, que en este caso son billetes, sino que también hago uso de cuentas decorativas y alambre.

I reiterate that in order to better appreciate this type of work it’s necessary to watch the video that I present to you, since it’s about making a series of folds in the paper, it’s essential to guide us with the help of the images in order to adequately capture the process of creation. I remind you that I use bills that are out of circulation due to the monetary devaluation that we have experienced in recent years in my country, so I take advantage of their variety of designs and colors. Without further ado, let's go to the explanatory video.
Reitero que para apreciar mejor este tipo de trabajos es necesario ver el video que les presento, ya que al tratarse de realizar una serie de pliegues en el papel, es fundamental guiarnos con ayuda de las imágenes de modo de poder captar adecuadamente el proceso de creación. Les recuerdo que utilizo billetes que están fuera de circulación debido a la devaluación monetaria que hemos experimentado en los últimos años en mi país, así aprovecho su variedad de diseños y colores. Sin más, vamos al video explicativo.

▶️ 3Speak
I'm glad that our bills from a few years ago at least lend themselves to art hahaha. o you have done spectacular Rosana, the post is an example to follow, but wow your videos are of an impressive quality. Thanks for sharing these colorful little origamis with us.
Well, I wanted to give these bills a new chance.
I'm glad you liked this work. Thanks so much.
A big hug and blessings.
Simply beautiful!!!!! This is a very useful craft because it allows us to decorate many spaces with these butterflies and also the fact that the bills have different colors and gradients, makes them look more beautiful.
Yes, these butterflies are very decorative, and we can use diverse materials and types of paper to make them. Thanks for the support.
I love that you take advantage of the bills to make these creations, they look so cute 😉.
Yes, I took advantage of the material and the variety of designs and colors to make this work.
Many thanks for passing by.
beautiful butterflies you have created. fantastic artwork and I like it
Thanks so much for passing by and appreciating!
jeje otro uso para los billetes, quedaron muy bonitos!
hehe another use for the bills, they were very nice!
Yes, another chance for these bills, too bad they are out of use due to devaluation.
I appreciate you passing by.
This is beautiful. The butterfly look amazing. Thanks for sharing
Thank you for taking the time to pass by and commenting.
Beautiful butterflies it look very pretty thanks for sharing
I'm glad you liked them. Thanks so much for the support.
¡Felicidades!, te quedaron hermosas 😍. Estas mariposas de origami me hicieron recordar la primaria, siempre iba a la biblioteca a leer un libro de origami y recuerdo que aprendí a hacer un montón de figuras 🥹
Qué chévere que te recordó esos gratos momentos. Gracias por pasar y apreciar.