Hello friends of Hive, and DIY HUB, is the first time I go through this community that I discovered by my daughter @elmundodemiri who has posted several times here her crafts, and I found it very good to share some work I do at home and today I bring you the repair of the sofa bed of the house.
Hola amigos de Hive, y DIY HUB, es la primera vez que paso por esta comunidad que descubrí por mi hija @elmundodemiri que ha publicado varias veces aquí sus manualidades, y me ha parecido muy buena para compartir algunos trabajos que hago en la casa y hoy le traigo la reparación del sofá cama de la casa.
That sofa is the one we have in the living room of the house and it is about 12 years old, and for some time it had sunk in one part and although it could be used, the idea was to have it in good condition, so I set out to check it to see what it had, and with the help of my son Matias we turned the sofa and I found that one of the springs that supports the weight had come loose, and checking it well I realized that the clamp that held it to the wood was detached and broke.
Since it had no clamp and the ribbon had lost part of the wood, I had no way to hold it in place. Seeing the spring I realized that I could solve it by putting some screws in it and fastening them to the wood on the top of the slat.
So what I did was that I screwed the spring to the wood and it was well attached, but in addition to the loose spring, the sofa had a rod along the sofa that went under the springs to give it a better support, but where the spring had come loose this rod had also broken and I had to see how to solve it to make it look good.
Ese sofá es el que tenemos en la salita de la casa y tiene como 12 años ya, y desde hace tiempo se había hundido en una parte y aunque se podía usar, a idea era tenerlo en buenas condiciones, así que me dispuse a revisarlo a ver qué tenía, y con la ayuda de mi hijo Matías volteamos el sofá y me encuentro que uno de los resortes que soporta el peso se había soltado, y revisándolo bien me di cuenta que la grapa que la sujetaba a la madera se despegó y se partió.
Como no tenía grapa y el listón había perdido parte de la madera no tenía como sujetarlo. Viendo el resorte me di cuenta que que podía resolver colocándole unos tornillos y sujetarlos a la madera en la parte de arriba del listón.
Así que lo que hice fue que atornillé el resorte a la madera y quedó bien sujeto, pero además del resorte suelto, el sofá tenía una varilla a lo largo del sofá que pasaba bajo los resortes para darle un mejor soporte, pero donde se había soltado el resorte está varilla se había partido también y tenía que ver cómo resolverlo para que quedara bien.
Then going through the things I always keep around the house I found a piece of aluminum slat from a window and it was long enough to replace that broken piece and grab 2 springs, one on each side to give it more support, and as I had no wire to hold it, I used some pieces of wire hard enough to hold them. And with that I solved the two things that had damaged the sofa.
And once the sofa bed was repaired, we turned it upside down and sat down to test if it resisted the weight and did not sink and everything was perfect without having to buy anything but with the things I had in the house and some ingenuity.
Sometimes we have damaged things in the house and we do not dare to fix them or try but there are many things we can do ourselves without much expense as I did with this sofa.
Well friends that's what I wanted to share with you today, see you another day. Greetings!
Entonces revisando en las cosas que siempre guardo en la casa encontré un pedazo de listón de aluminio de una ventana y era lo suficientemente largo para sustituir ese pedazo partido y que agarrara 2 resortes, uno de cada lado para darle mayor soporte, y como no tenía alambre para sujetarlo, utilice unos pedazos de cable suficientemente duros para sujetarlos. Y con eso resolví las dos cosas que tenía dañadas el sofá.
Y ya reparado el sofá cama, lo volteamos y nos sentamos para probar si resistía el peso y no se hundía y todo quedó perfecto sin necesidad de comprar nada sino con las cosas que tenía en la casa y algo de ingenio.
A veces tenemos cosas dañadas en la casa y no nos atrevemos a arreglarlas o intentarlo pero hay muchas cosas que podemos hacer nosotros mismos sin mayor gasto como hice yo con este sofá.
Bueno amigos eso les queria compartir el dia de hoy, nos vemos otro día. Saludos!

Greetings friend!, and thank you very much for sharing your post in our DIYHub community. Not everyone has the skills to repair a sofa and leave it in good condition as you have done, that is to be admired, bravo!.
Great work. The sofa looks nice and must feel more comfortable now after your repair work. Nice way to save some money.
Thank you so much. My wife is very happy because I finally repair jaja
Amor, te quedo perfecto. Allll fiiiin lo reparaste jajaja 💗💗💗
Que msla 🤣🤣 de nada amor ahora no se van a pelear por quien cae en el hueco
Buen trabajo. Felicidades 🎉
Muchas gracias amiga
This is really impressive
Thank you for your message