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RE: My first Kintsugi and thoughts / はじめての金継ぎ体験から考えること

in DIYHub7 days ago

I have kept a little traditional coffee cup and the handle from my favourite tea cup to repair when it is the right time 😁.

Today I am enjoying needlework. I used to sew a lot but it got lost somewhere. After Christmas, I joined an adult education class called "sewing project workshop" for ten weeks. I really enjoy it - there's a little technical session each week but most of the time is spent on your own projects. Those two hours inspire me to spend much more time sewing each week. My plan is to have two finished garnments by 4 April (okay, they might need a little hemming) 😂


Good that you have tolerance ... I couldn't wait and repaired with conventional glue first. So mostly I did was to fill a missing part with the gold epoxy. Right timing will come 😉

Sewing group sounds fun. I want to join yours 😁 I understand how we overestimate our capabilities... I want to sew my and my daughter's gothic dresses (for the first time!) until a gothic fest in June or even May .... 😅 We'll see!

Gothic dresses sound fun! 😍
