in DIYHub2 days ago


Hello everyone, I hope you are feeling well today. I share with you some images of my fabulous painting made with recycled paper for school. This painting is due to the fact that the teacher in class assigned each of the students a certain material to make a work of art, which from the beginning I thought it was going to look bad for the simple fact that I am terrible at crafts, together with a friend of mine. Immediately, what they told me the material I had to use I thought of all the work I had done since second year third year and fourth year which I had kept in a folder in case they were going to serve me for something and I have told you as they are made yes I ended up working I grabbed several works that I knew I would not use for anything in the world and cut the leaves and let them soak in a container with water and then they were soft and pass them through the blender to shred the paper.


Hola, a todos, Espero que se encuentren bien el día hoy. Les comparto unas imágenes de mi fabuloso cuadro hecho con papel reciclaje para la escuela. Este cuadro se debe a que la profesora en clase nos asignó a cada uno de los estudiantes cierto material para realizar una obra de arte cosa que desde un principio sube que me iba a quedar mal por el simple hecho de que las manualidades me dan fatal a mí junto con una amiga Nos tocó papel a otros compañeros les tocó vidrio a unos cartones a otros plásticos y a otros les tocó bolsas de plástico. Inmediatamente, lo que me dijeron el material que tenía que utilizar Pensé en todos los trabajos que había elaborado desde segundo año tercer año y cuarto año los cuales había guardado en una carpeta en caso de que me fueran a servir para algo y te han dicho como están hechos sí me terminaron funcionando agarré varios trabajos de los que ya sabía que no iba a utilizar por nada del mundo y corte las hojas y la dejé remojando en un envase con agua para luego que estuvieran blanditas y pasarlas por la licuadora para triturar el papel.


After I did that I took advantage of the fact that my sister was making a model for her son and since she was cutting cardboard I took the opportunity to ask her for a piece, since what I wanted to make was a painting at first it was going to be a Panda, but since the sketch was not as I wanted to end up being something else that I looked on the internet the truth is that I am not very creative so I had to resort to the internet After that when I had the idea of what I was going to do in a plastic container mix the paper and put drops of dye to dye it and put white glue so that when I paste it on the cardboard it will remain attached to it.


Luego de haber hecho eso aproveché de que mi hermana estaba realizando una maqueta para su hijo y como estaba cortando cartón aproveché de pedirle un pedazo, ya que lo que yo quería realizar era un cuadro en primer momento iba a ser un Panda, pero dado que el boceto no me quedó como yo quería terminar siendo otra cosa que busqué en internet la verdad no soy muy creativa por lo que tuve que recurrir a internet Luego de eso cuando ya tuve la idea de lo que iba a realizar en un envase de plástico mezcle el papel y le coloqué gotas de colorante para poder teñirlo y le coloque pega blanca para que así cuando lo pegara en el cartón se quedará adherido a él.


My hands were all painted because I forgot to use gloves, at the time I did not give it importance to have all my hands painted pink, blue and purple because I knew that was removed with water because it is dye, But at the end of the day if it was removed I hope the teacher likes it and I get a decent enough grade and that she evaluates the effort I made and well what at the time were some oranges (and yes, purple and pink because it had to be original something) ended up being abstract art. Thanks for reading.


Las manos me quedaron todas pintadas porque se me olvidó utilizar guantes, en su debido momento no le di importancia al tener todas las manos pintadas de rosado, azul y morado porque sabía que eso se quitaba con agua porque es colorante, pero sí me costó un poco quitarlo sobre todo el azul porque era el color más oscuro Pero al final del día si se quitó espero que la profesora le guste y me pongo una nota lo suficientemente decente y que evalúe el esfuerzo que hice y bueno lo que en su momento eran unas naranjas (y si, morada y Rosada porque había que ser originales algo) termino siendo arte abstracto. Gracias por leer.




 2 days ago  

The final result is great. It is so beautiful and colorful. Love it. It shows your creativity. Keep up the good work!

WOW, this looks really lovely and the fact that it is made from recycled materials is just so amazing. You did a really nice job here and bravo to you

the result is very beautiful, you have done something amazing. good job👍