in DIYHub3 days ago


Hello, dear friends of the DIYHub community I hope you are well. Today I share with you some photos of the days before February 14 when we were asked to make a poster board for the day of love and friendship. The teacher had divided us into groups to bring various materials such as cardboard, foami, glue and other things that had been requested for that day to make decorations alluding to February 14.


Hola, queridos amigos de la comunidad DIYHub Espero que se encuentren bien. El día de hoy Les comparto unas fotos de días previos al 14 de febrero cuando nos mandaron a realizar como actividad una cartelera referente al día del amor y la amistad. La profesora nos había dividido en grupos para traer diversos materiales como cartulina, foami, pegamento entre otras cosas que se habían pedido para ese día para elaborar adornos alusivos al 14 de febrero.


A friend of mine was in charge of collecting all the foamis and cardboard to trace the hearts so that they would all be one specific size, then she explained in class what each group had to do. Then we started to glue everything that had been cut out and then we made some backdrops with hearts and letters (which had also been cut out) and they were glued in the hallways of the school. Then some classmates were in charge of making the billboard where there were some complications and I had to help them, since they didn't know very well what to do.


Una amiga se encargó de recoger todos los foamis y cartulinas para trazar los corazones y que quedarán todos de un solo tamaño en especifico, luego explico en clase lo que cada grupo tenía que hacer. Después empezamos a pegar todo lo que se habia recortado para luego hacer algunas bambalinas con corazones y cartas (que también se habian recortado) y se pegaron en los pasillos del colegio. Luego unos compañeros se encargaron de hacer la cartelera donde hubieron algunas complicaciones y tuve que ayudarlos, ya que no sabian muy bien qué hacer.


The teacher is one of those who gives the order to come to school with an idea of what is going to be done, so we had to look for some ideas on Pinterest to see what we could do, since we could not do something that was not in our hands with respect to the materials that had been ordered so (as far as possible), we had to improvise. We saw several ideas and we were complementing them until we ended up with an exact idea of what we were going to do and the truth is that we liked it very much, we cut out some hearts and the truth is that the billboard was very nice, the teacher congratulated us for it and told us that we had to place it on the court the day we were going to make the grape harvest, which I will tell you later, thanks for reading.


La profesora es de las que da la orden de llegar al colegio con una idea de lo que se va a realizar, así que tuvimos que buscar unas ideas en Pinterest para ver qué podíamos hacer, ya que no podíamos hacer algo que no estuviera en nuestras manos con respecto a los materiales que se habían pedido así que (dentro de lo que cabe), tocó improvisar. Vimos varias ideas y las fuimos complementando hasta que terminamos con una idea exacta de lo que íbamos a hacer y la verdad es que nos gustó muchísimo se recortaron algunos corazones y la verdad es que quedó muy linda la cartelera la profesora nos felicitó por ello y nos dijo que la teníamos que colocar en la cancha el día que fuéramos a realizar la vendimia cosa que le contaré más adelante, gracias por leer.





Your decoration is splendid and beautifully made. Amazing and nicely done, good job 👍.

Collective crafts are always more fun. Thanks for sharing.