Over the past 3 years the look of both yards have changed dramatically. I would have to go back and search through the tons of photos to actually give a accurate picture of what has happened and the changes that continue to occur. Without the photos, let me just say, the woman (as my man would say) "was off her meds!" lol!!

The fence line looks completely different, cleaner... From this point the next steps will be to line the fence line with weed barrier fabric. Place mid sized river rock over the top and place a line of roses in front of the rocks. That will not happen until next season (April thru June).
The front yard has come a long ways as well. The changes that occured this season was to remove two large Rhododendrons that engulfed the front of the house. This was not an easy task if you have ever dealt with Rhodies, you know that those bad boys are rooted worse than most trees.

This was an insane process of digging them up as much as possible then cutting them as low to the dug out ground as possible, and then using vinegar and dish soap to kill of the remaining roots.

This was not an easy task but I think the end result was awesome!
I love how clean it all looks. The changes to happen next season will consist of 2 new raised flower beds. One will contain Belladonnas and I am going to move the Calla Lilies into the other. Then behind a foot from the wall I will place two lavender plants (that are currently located in the lawn area).
Well, that is all for now. There is still plenty to do. I am looking forward to getting through the Fall and Winter months 😖 to begin again.
@}->- @Tempy43