tibfox cross-posted this post in DIYHub 6 months ago

DIY Poll: What's Your Go-To Source for DIY Inspiration?

in Hive Polls6 months ago

Blue and Pink Cartoon Illustrative International Friendship Day Greeting Instagram Story (1920 x 1920 px) (1920 x 540 px)(3).png

Every type of DIY (crafting, needlework, building things, tinkering, ...) are all fantastic hobbies, but sometimes we hit a creative block. Many of us then turn to different media sources to find fresh projects, techniques, and inspiration. Where do you go to get new ideas or research new techniques?

While our DIYHub Community is a great source of inspiration ;) , do you have other communities or platforms you recommend for sparking creativity? Maybe you have a print magazine you would like to recommend or a specific Pinterest board you check recurrently for new inspiration? Is there a creator on web2 who inspires you the most? Feel free to select up to 3 sources and share some more specific details in the comments.

This poll is more than just a fun engagement activity to us. Your input is valuable for shaping future polls and activities: One commenter will earn 50% of the rewards from this poll! 🎉