Novogodišnji venčići od papira🎊New Year's wreaths made of paper

in DIYHub3 months ago (edited)

Danas smo klinci i ja opet bili kreativni. Ovoga puta nešto novo!
Imali smo puno papira u boji pa sam razmišljala kako najbolje da ih iskoristimo 🤔 A onda sam se setila da možemo da pravimo nešto što deci neće biti teško i svakako interesantno. ☝️😊
Evo korak po korak do venaca koji krase prozore...

Today, the kids and I were creative again. Something new this time!
We had a lot of colored paper, so I was thinking how best to use it 🤔 And then I remembered that we can make something that will not be difficult for children and certainly interesting. ☝️😊
Here's a step-by-step to the wreaths that adorn the windows...


Ja sam imala papir oko 10x15 centimetara, ali možete bilo koju veličinu. Prvo premažite ivicu jedne strane lepkom pa spojite:

I had paper about 10x15 centimeters, but you can use any size. First coat the edge of one side with glue and join:


Zatim iseckajte celom dužinom trakice oko 1 santimetar širine.

Then cut along the entire length of the strip about 1 centimeter wide.


Nakon toga savijte tubu od papira u krug. Lepkom spojte krajeve ovako:

After that, bend the paper tube into a circle. Glue the ends together like this:



Venac od papira je gotov. A sada, ukrašavanje. Svaki venac ima mašnicu. Dobićete je spajanjem dve papirne trake:

The paper wreath is ready. And now, decorating. Each wreath has a bow. You will get it by joining two paper strips:




A sada tu traku ukrasite nekom perlicom, cvetićem, šljokicom ili šta već imate.

And now decorate that strip with a bead, flower, glitter or whatever you have.



Da bi venac mogao da se okači, zalepite jednu traku sa zadnje strane ovako:

In order for the wreath to hang, glue one strip to the back like this:



Završili smo uspešno. A sada da vidimo kako to izgleda kada se okači na prozor...

We finished successfully. And now let's see how it looks when hung on the window...




Učiteljice! Baš nam se svidja! I meni, odgovorila sam. Da, bio je ovo jedan zabavan dan koji će deca dugo pamtiti. Bilo je lepo i veselo jer smo mi tako hteli! 🥰✨🌷👏

Teacher! We really like it! Me too, I replied. Yes, it was a fun day that the children will remember for a long time. It was nice and cheerful because we wanted it that way! 🥰✨🌷👏

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


Un adorno muy original creado a un estilo natural con materiales en papel....gracias por publicar tus creaciones...

¡Muchas gracias por tu comentario y apoyo!


This is why I love Christmas 🎄 because it usually brings new looking environment indicating how God has brought a new thing to the World through Jesus Christ.

Yes, joy and love.


Wow this is so beautiful

Thank you @praiselove so much!


 3 months ago  

This was so heartwarming to read, this craft is perfect for our little ones as it would help keep them both busy and entertained. Great job!

❤️👋Thank you @diyhub !