Oh yea!!! Its that one!!! from Amazon! Those kits where you can build a radio... and I think I bought like 5 of those and they all failed. 🤣
The brand McIntosh I knew it from my mother... I didn't know this brand until I looked it up and I was like holy shit wow. The amps are so crazy heavy its hard for me to lift it even. I have no idea why good audio gear has to be so damn heavy. 😅
sure blame it on the kits ... 🤣🤣
i just looked ity up and they are really expensive here .. 😮
i've never paid more then € 1000,- for a receiver although my speakers were also € 1000,- each
Yea they are crazy expensive... its something maybe my mom can buy... but I will for sure think like a gazilion times before I can even afford a chunck of cash. But I can gladly inherit it and maintain it, and clean it. :) lolz