A heart with wings

in DIYHub7 days ago


Hello DIY lovers, it's still the season of love, and it's that time of the year that we get to celebrate those amazing people in our lives by gifting them or showing words of appreciation.

With the spirit of love, I decided to participate in this month's contest with the theme "Love," and I made this beautiful piece that portrays love.

Materials used
Crochet needle
Cotton wool


Step one:
I started by making a magic ring, and inside the ring, I made a chain of one and six single crochet and tightened my project by drawing the other side of the yarn.

Then I continued to make two single crochet inside each of the stitches in my row one. I made a single crochet inside each of the stitches till it got to row four and I was done with that part. I did two of it to get my heart shape.


Step Two:
It was time to join the two together, so I did a single crochet around the first two projects I'd made earlier. For the next row, I did a decrease in the stitches to enable me to get the heart shape. So I did two single crochet and a decrease till I was almost done with my project. Then, I inserted my cotton wool to get the puffiness I wanted. I continued again to cover the opening and I was done with my heart shape.


Step Three:
For the wings, I started by making a slip knot and a chain of eight. Then I skipped the first chain, inserted my hook into the next, and made some single crochet into the next six stitches. For the last chain, I made five single crochet. Then I did a single crochet into the next four stitches, leaving me with two stitches.


Then I chained one and turned in my project. I made four single crochet, three increase stitches, and eleven single crochet; I ended that row by making three chains. I turned my project again and made eight single crochet into the next eight stitches and three increased stitches; then I made fifteen single crochet. I ended with a slip stitch. I repeated these processes to get the second wing.

Then I used a small piece of wood to insert in the heart shape and used my green yarn to wrap around it.

I joined the wings to the heart shape and used a white fabric to make it look fancy from the ordinary, and then I made a chain of twenty with the red yarn and wrapped around my project to get a bow shape, and there I was done with my project.



Thanks for reading 🧡


Between the heart and the wing, I don't know which is the most beautiful; you are great at what you do; keep it up, and I wish you luck in the contest. !LUV

Awww thank you so much!

 7 days ago  

Wow! This is creativity and pure talent, you nailed it friend. Thanks for participating in our monthly contest, goodluck.

Thank you so much!