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RE: DIY: The family-sized toothbrush holder. If you can't find it on the shelf, then build it yourself!

in DIYHub3 years ago

Thank you!

Yeah power tools are a real game changer. I used to be quite a PC nerd that knew nothing about tools. I am fortunate to have gone through all the things in my life that took me through all the paces to teach me all of these things.

More projects soon! Already photographed!


I have one of those tiny Ryobi multi-tool things that my husband got me for my birthday. That is as 'power tool' as I am willing to go. And yeah, even that was a game-changer!

Very handy machine! I wish I had one!

It has proven quite useful for me. I have soft squishy hands with not a lot of strength, so it really helps with the things I cannot do with 'brute force' that you probably would be able to do no problem, haha.