Crossing Imaginary Lines Away And Back To Milho...And Nothing Else Matters

in HiveCats7 months ago

3 Brothers.jpg-3 Brothers- photograph taken by @meveronicas used with her permission

@meveronicas sent this photo to me while I was traveling to deal with bureaucratic buttfarts and it made me so glad to know that Milho was comfortable and happy and continuing to integrate himself into the household, even while I was gone. I was a bit worried that my needing to leave again and so soon, would set us back in this journey of building trust. It did last time but not this time and thank Goodness. We are getting really close to needing to get him castrated, within the next couple of weeks basically, so it is very important to me. Not only did he get to snuggle sandwiched between Patrick and Niitan, he also let @disregardfiat pet him a few times and he purred a whole lot when @meveronicas was petting him one day too.

As for Pelusa, the girl cat who lives out by the print shop: Sadly, she hasn't been spotted in over a week. We're trying to be hopeful that maybe somebody took her in. It's heart-wrenching and so difficult to know what to do in a situation like hers. It feels like there is no way to feel satisfied with the choice. If we find her again and can get her spayed and adopted into a nice home, we will obviously be quite happy. The veterinarian herself told us that because it seemed likely that she had a litter of babies somewhere, we really had to let her go back to them. Even if we had brought her back to our place, we wouldn't have been able to keep her from trying to go back anyhow and it would only have been much further to go and much more dangerous. The day before I had to take off traveling @meveronicas and I walked around the neighborhood looking for her and showing her photograph to ask people if they've seen her. There are so many cats who need help in that neighborhood as well as dogs. Likely, life is really difficult for the humans there also and perhaps that is why they mostly couldn't care less and wouldn't know her from the other strays anyhow. However, there are the random lovely angels like the print shop owners, the tall lady and her friend who helped us with her that first day, and the security guard outside of the school who has also kept an eye on her. To be fair, only one woman slammed her door on us. ha.

This is all that I can manage for today.