The ongoing adventures of Tom and Jerry

in HiveCats2 years ago

↑This was a few days ago↑
So this morning, I ran some errands and when I got back decided to rake some trash over on the side of the yard, when I noticed that the two "Choke Cherry" (or wild black cherry) trees were laden down with fruit, most not ripe (those that were that I could reach, I et them)

While trying to do all this, Tommy came outta nowhere and attacked my legs

Whereupon he pretended like he was going to run up the large oak we were standing next to, which he does a lot.
Being the helpful kinda guy that I am 😏, I looked in the thicket for something more suitable, and found a dogwood a few feet away.
I went over (he followed of course) but I had to scratch with my fingernails about shoulder height for him to get the idear, and up he went!

To my knowledge, this was his first tree climbing adventure, and since once up there, he couldn't figure out how to get back down, I'm sure it was!

He was crying so pitifully, and I was laughing my butt off! 😈😎🤪

"Come on down baby, you gotta turn around and come down backwards" I said

He tried and tried, and almost had it a couple times (crying the whole way, me laughing too)


I finally gave up and went to get the ladder, but by the time I came around the corner where I could see him again, he was coming down head first, leopard style (sadly, no pic of that, but this!↓)

Was from last week.↑)
There ends todays edition of

"The adventures of Tom and Jerry (in Mableton)"

Jerry E Smith
Epilogue, while writing this up, Tom T Terrific, Lord of the Jungle
was busily tearing up the carpet behind me on the floor,
where he now naps away

All images original, taken with my
Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra cellphone



LOVE IT!! Great story of Tom Terrific! Thanks for writing this.


At least the first time he had to figure it out, he was not WAY up in the oak tree, beyond a ladders reach.

He's a real cutie.

Thanks @jacey.boldart ,I agree of course, but then I'm a little biased 😉

Tom is a quick learner... and such a cool cat. Enjoyed the adventure!

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