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RE: A drink to start the day (Mini comment contest # 2)

in Amazing Drinks10 months ago

hello hello beloved ones; this is my participation in this mini contest:

Since some years when I immersed myself in the care of my beloved body, I began to create habits such as drinking hot water, solarized water, water with moonlight or lemon water.
The best thing I have practiced when I wake up is to drink my agüita intencionada; to talk to the water, to bless this liquid that will go through my body bringing life in every drop, to every organ, to every system of this macro body.
When I saw a documentary by Dr. Masaru Emoto -messages from water- I deeply appreciated it, when I saw the beautiful forms of water when we speak to it from love and here I share them with you.

invito a mis queridas @marlyncabrera y @zupasteleria


Thank you so much for the invite, dear @aguamiel. Happy to participate 😌💕

What you're doing is charming. About the video, I must say I find all kinds of esoteric practices really interesting, even when they're in the guise of science. I love the mandala shapes of water crystals; for me, they're almost hypnotic. Beautiful ❤️

I'm thinking about my entry already. Sending a big hug...

Lo grandioso de la energía y como se transforma de esta manera recibimos el liquido o el alimento intencionado de las más hermosas formas ❤️
Cuantos aquí en un comentario con que bebida comienzas tus días...

Ercia jajaja, te acabo de invitar , pero nada ya estas en la ronda jajaja

puedo volver a participar 🤭

Jajaja quien dijo miedo 🤣

Hi @aguamiel!!! Water has the ability to absorb energy from words and emotions. It is important to bless it with with love and gratitude to receive its healing energy. A hug!!!

Así es querida Luisa, hablarle al liquido que vamos a consumir transmitiendo la energía amorosa ❤️

Water loaded with beautiful forms of love and blessings to hydrate your body! ❤️🙏🏻🥰

Thank you so much for the invitation, my dear @aguamiel!

que bonito verdad? ponerle esa energía amorosa a lo que consumimos ❤️

Time flew by and I didn't comment before... these are the consequences of living in Venezuela and its constant power and Internet outages. Very good entry @aguamiel

Water is the universal conductor, which is present in many galaxies and planets in this universe, and certainly, information can be transmitted fluidly and accurately, so I congratulate you for this practice, with which I am very familiar, because both My husband, like me, also practice it regularly. Thank you very much for taking your time to participate in the mini contest, and thank you for the documentary.


Gracias sirena, desde el agua nos gestamos, llevamos un porcentaje considerable de agua y cuando se intenciona la magia sucede desde adentro, esas hermosas figuras como se muestra en el documental viajan felices por nuestro cuerpo