Hi friends, let's refresh this weekend with a delicious smoothie made with one of the Minions' and my favorite fruit Banana

🍌La banana es una de las frutas mas consumidas del mundo, su forma es alargada y curva.
Es cremosa, facil de pelar, de color amarillo, es una gran fuente de vitaminas A, B, C Y E, es excelente en potasio, magnesio, calcio y hierro, cuando la consumo siento mucha energía, me reduce la fatiga y el cansancio, previene la anemia, es una gran fruta que viva la BANANAAAAA
🍌The banana is one of the most consumed fruits in the world; its shape is elongated and curved.
It's creamy, easy to peel, yellow in color, and a great source of vitamins A, B, C, and E. It's excellent in potassium, magnesium, calcium, and iron. When I eat it, I feel very energetic, it reduces fatigue and tiredness, and prevents anemia. It's a great fruit, long live the BANANAAAAAA!
Ingredientes para
preparar esta
🍌 3 bananas (310 gramos)
🥛 100 gramos de leche en polvo
🍯 1 cucharada de miel
🍪 4 galletas
💧300ml de agua
to prepare
this refreshing
🍌 3 bananas (310 grams)
🥛 100 grams of powdered milk
🍯 1 tablespoon of honey
🍪 4 cookies
💧 300 ml of water
- 1ero 🍌
Tomar las bananas quitar la cascara y cortar en cubos pequeños.
- 1st 🍌
Take the bananas, remove the peel and cut into small cubes.

- 2do🍌
Tomar la licuadora para colocar todos los ingredientes la banana, el agua, las galletas ,la leche, y la miel.
- 2nd🍌
Take the blender to place all the ingredients: banana, water, milk, cookies, and honey.

- 3ero 🍌
Listos todos los ingredientes procesamos hasta que esté bien cremosa la bebida por 2 minutos aproximadamente.
- 3rd 🍌
Once all the ingredients are ready, we process until the drink is very creamy for approximately 2 minutes.

Tome la bebida colocándola en la jarra de la medida de agua que le pusimos, miren como esta doblo su liquido amigos. Posteriormente la serví en una botella de vidrio y un vaso para controlado calidad jeje.
I poured the drink into the pitcher with the same amount of water we added. Look how it doubled in volume, friends. I then poured it into a glass bottle and a cup for quality control, hehe.

¿A ustedes les ha gustado?
I refreshed my Friday with this delicious 🍌BananaMinions🍌 Did you like it?
Las fotos fueron tomadas por mi para presentar en @AmazingDrinks.
The photos were taken by me to present in @AmazingDrinks.
Saludos nos vemos pronto en otra preparacion de deliciosos bebidas amigos.
Greetings, see you soon in another preparation of delicious drinks, friends.
wow, very delicious juice you make.
very delicious
Very healthy juice
Me gustan las bebidas de banana!!💕💕💖💖
Son deliciosas hoy compre mas hehe mi hui le gusto demasiado.
Delegations welcome! You've been curated by @amazingdrinks!