Weekly Amazing Drinks Curation

Post Nº 1
Refreshing and Delicious Pineapple-Lemon Juice. / Jugo Refrescante y Delicioso Piña-Limón.
by @carisma77

Post Nº 2
Refrescante bebida de papelón con naranja ácida | Refreshing drink of papelon with sour orange
by @moisesrojas

Post Nº 3
[ESP-ENG] Delicioso Batido de Avena con Manzana Verde 🤍💚/Delicious Oatmeal Smoothie with Green Apple 🤍💚
by @mariarodriguez

Post Nº 4
Delicioso, saludable y refrescante jugo de zanahoria,remolacha y guayaba-[ESP-ENG]-Delicious, healthy and refreshing carrot, beet and guava juice
by @tibisayq23

Post Nº 5

Post Nº 9
Amazing juice zapota amazing drink recipe with combination of applecool plum and carrot
by @mdakash62

Post Nº 10

Post Nº 14

Post Nº 15
(Esp/Eng) Delicioso batido de vainilla con leche y pasitas /Delicious vanilla milkshake with milk and raisins
by @josdelmi

Post Nº 17

Post Nº 18
Homemade Iced Matcha With Young Coconut Water
by @anggreklestari

Post Nº 19

Post Nº 21
Un jugo vitamínico con Manzana piña y zanahoria
by @wendyth16

Post Nº 22

Post Nº 24

Post Nº 25

Post Nº 26
[ENG-SPA] Tamarillo Fruit Juice with Carrot! / ¡Jugo de Tamarillo con Zanahoria!
by @yiobri

Post Nº 27

Post Nº 29
(ESP/ENG)Potente merengada en honor al día de la mujer rica en hierro y vitaminas(EN/ENG)Powerful meringue in honor of Women's Day, rich in iron and vitamins
by @leidys01

Post Nº 32

Post Nº 33

Post Nº 34

Post Nº 36
Jugo de tamarindo chino / Chinese tamarind juice
by @damelysh

In this and in all Cheers to us , we will choose three of our users, as beneficiaries of 3% (each one). This time we have chosen @tibisayq23 @aera8 @luisdey for the excellence of the content they share with us, Hivers.

Thank you so much for the mention and support @amazingdrinks Lots of blessings ❤️.
You're welcome @sunshine29, sorry for the late
Thanks You for the support @amazingdrinks 🤗💕
You're welcome @carisma77
Congratulation to the Winner 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
Thanks for your comment @maytom
Gracias @amazingdrinks , por el apoyo. Bendiciones.
You're welcome @josdelmi
Thank you and good time to everyone for continuing to present excellent ideas in this wonderful community.
You're welcome @alegnairam
@amazingdrinks Thank you very much and for your words of reflection, it is always good to keep them in mind.
You're welcome @lanoican, sorry for the late
@amazingdrinks Don't worry, a hug.
Aradecida por la mención amigos de @amazingdrinks, seguimos brindando calidad.
You're welcome @yiobri, thanks for your great content.
Happy Sunday to you and your loved 🥰 ones @mdakash62 . Thanks for all the mentions, involving everyone to these great communities that had been so supportive to everyone of us.
We will continue to give back our best for the purpose of greater future for Huve platform. Greetings everyone mentioned here.
Hola @mdakash62 , amén gloria a Dios. Lo que dices es una gran verdad. Gracias por la recomendación. Dios te bendiga.
Amén. Dios te bendiga
That's right, the support between everyone will make our hive community grow and we will also learn from all of us who live here.
Thank you very nice words and I totally agree that one of the most important things is that we comment each other with respect and affection.
Greetings! 😊
Thanks for the support
@mdakash62 Always grateful for the support, and for encouraging each of its participants, who every day we strive to present a good job. A big hug.
Agradecida de su selección es de gran motivación que ustedes les guste y valoren nuestra creatividad y talento... gracias por el apoyo que siempre nos brindan a todos .
Hi @mdakash62
The best way to build community, especially when there are geographical and linguistic barriers, is to interact through comments with our fellow hivers. That is what allows us to know each other and have a sense of family and community. We appreciate your extensive and valuable comment. Greetings.