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RE: Powerful infusion of brazilwood and tangerine peel[🇺🇸/🇪🇸]

At first I felt familiar with Brazilwood with red color effect. Then, I searched on Google, and it turned out that yes, I had drunk herbal tea with that ingredient. we call it secang (sappanwood). yes, it is as powerful as herbal tea. glad you have it in your area :)

thank you for sharing your video. you seem cheerful in the video. keep it up :)


Thank you for such a beautiful message friend, yes here we know it as palo de Brazil and it has helped me a lot in my health, I love to take it so it is too rich, in addition to the benefits that this gives me. A hug and thank you for visiting my blog.

have a great day :)

Thank you, the same to you. Hugs