Oh wow! I was so thirsty while looking at your post. I asked Marc to quickly bring me cold water. This is the only beverage we have. I would give anything for your juicy sweet and tangy drink on ice.
The Malay apple tree is heavenly. I wish I could see such a beautiful thing.
This post is like a wonderful dream with sweet fruits and Paco. I just wish I had a juicy drink like that right now.
Thanks for sharing my friend. Hugs and best wishes. Can you squeeze Paco for me and a kiss on the beak?
Water is the best, but one likes to get creative, I guess, hehehe.
Paco sends you a kiss. He's going through a phase; we let him be. He likes to spend the day walking around, like a dog, a mischievous one. It's funny 🤫
Big hug, my friend, and thank you so much for dropping by ❤️