in Amazing Drinks21 hours ago

Green Illustrated Herbs Kitchen Label_20250129_144731_0000.png
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Medicinal teas are becoming the go to herbs for anything that concerns human health. Research shows that incorporating herbal teas in the body would help to restore nutrients and vitamins lost in the system. There is a huge difference between herbs and medicine prescribed by doctors, this is so because herbs are made up of natural resources such as leaves, fruits, seeds and so on. While it is advised that people should take herbs, they are also advised that they should do it in moderation because it could be harmful to the body system.

As a woman, we are advised to take natural supplements into our system because of what our bodies go through in the different stages of life. In our modern world, there are lots of supplements that claim to be organic but have undergone different artoficial processes just to preserve them for a longer period. To not be a victim of these, there are herbs or fruits that women can take to combat these issues such as hormonal imbalances, loss of blood during periods, pcos, fibroids, infections and so on.

One of my favorite herbal teas has been in existence for quite a while and it encompasses all the natural spices that we are familiar with. Some people call it the "every woman combo" because it is generally helps to balance hormones, boost immunity, reduce bloating, inflammation, severe cramps and so on. In all, it is said to cleans the uterus especially after periods.


The ingredients required to prepare this tea includes:

  • cinnamon stick

The preparation is very simple because all you have to do is cut them into pieces and put them in a pot of water then boil for 5 minutes. When this is done, take half cup of it, first thing in the morning and at night.


This can bring about relief in the body system and you would notice significant changes if you are consistent.

promptThis is a part of my entry for the #Januaryinleo as organized by the @leogrowth team with great initiative that members of Hive you can participate in this prompt and tackle them as you deem fit. In conjunction with @amazingdrinks community.

Thanks for stopping by my blog

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Hi @henrietta27

Always, each food or drink recipe must include the quantities of each ingredient (including water), and the portions obtained. Too bad your post doesn't include this information. It would be ideal if you edited it and included that data.