Grape juice

in Amazing Drinkslast year



Hello, community and friends. It's been a long time since I've posted here due to a busy schedule. Last week, our gardener disappeared few days and we wondered why. a friend of ours told us our gardener's mother was very sick. We immediately went to see her. She is an elderly lady and was bedridden due to her illness. She has three sons who are taking care of her, and they have taken time off work to do so.

Here in India, it is common for families to care for their sick loved ones at home, rather than sending them to a hospice. When we arrived at their house, we saw that our gardener was cradling his mother's head in his lap, his wife was feeding to mother some ready-made juice, and the granddaughter was cleaning her grandmother's mouth. It was a very sad and heart-touching moment. I've seen situations like this many times before, but I haven't seen it as much since I moved to the West.

After talking to them and asking several questions, I found out that the mother was only able to drink 250ml of juice per day as she was very weak and almost dying. I promised them I would make fresh juice for her every day as possible and send it over with someone, and I've kept my promise for almost a week. we buy different fruits and consume them naturally very seldom do we make juice, but last days every day I make different juices for her. I have no juicer I use a mixer and filter with cheesecloth. Today, I made some grape juice for her and sent it to their house. and I decided to take a few photos while making juices. and post when I will get time.

1 cup of grapes they are very juicy seasonal.
1/2 lime
1 pinch of salt

Cleaned and washed grapes and blended them using a mixer.

Added lime juice and a pinch of salt.



Used cheesecloth to strain the grape mixture.

exactly 260 ml juice.

1 glass full


Juice is ready with good energy and love.
and send it to the patient.
Thank you for stopping by.


Wow! I never thought of making grape juice before. I think I'll try this, and I'd also do so using a cheesecloth 👏

I always tried some experiments and had previously succeeded in making grape juice. It is beneficial for sick individuals as it acts similar to glucose, which is used for intravenous treatment in hospitals.
like electrolytes balancing. Thanks for stopping by and for your great support. Have a nice weekend. :)

It acts similar to glucose

I can see that.💯 I always keep a bunch of green grapes handy for when my blood sugar is low.

Like electrolytes balancing

That makes sense, even though I never made the connection.

Have a nice weekend too :)

You're so sweet to make this delicious and healthy juice for your gardener's mother. It has a beautiful color and I'm sure it will do her good.

Cheers, my dear friend ❤️ Hope the old lady gets better even if these are her last days. Hopefully, she'll recover 🙏🏻

Thank you dear friend @marlyncabrera for your support and your nice words. I don't think she will survive the family is waiting for when she will die. Anyway, some people have to suffer. Have a nice weekend :)

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Thank you very much @plantpoweronhive :)

It is nice to know that in India they still preserve the custom of taking care of their elders. In my country, many decades ago it was common. Unfortunately, with the accelerated deterioration of society due to the arrival of the "revolution", families progressively stopped being families, and no one cares about the elderly anymore, and if we add to this the problem of migration, Everything is even much worse, since children often abandon their parents and grandparents, and forget them forever. Nice post, and delicious recipe @hindavi


Thank you, dear friend :) Yes in the cities these manners are almost disappeared. Only in small places in India, we can see these emotional family relations.

that is very kind of you to make such nice juice for the elderly lady

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In Norway we said vi skal snill med hverandre. kind to each other. :)

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It is so heartwarming to know that the entire family including you are taking care of the patient. The gardener must be so happy watching your efforts. And I hope that his mother gets well soon.

I love grapes. These have been my favorites since childhood. I didn't know that we could make their juice. I'll give it a try surely someday.

Take care and have a blissful day ahead 💕

thanks for your comment, But that lady will not survive. It is my experience as a doctor.

That's sad to know 😕.

If you want to live a good and healthy life, you must add such things in your life, which are pure things, it has a good effect on our health.

Good for health

You are right. I will do the same, if the opportunity arises I will share the suffering of others and I will be happy. In my good deeds.

Thank you for stopping by. Sometimes we have to be kind to each other. :)

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Very thoughtful of you to make such juice for the old lady. I'm really not the grape type but I guess it's nutritious.

Hi @hindavi

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