Buen dia querida comunidad, hoy te traigo mi receta casera de la crema baileys, si eres fanaticos de esta receta te doy la version casera 😱, estoy seguro que te va a encantar ademas es rapido y sencilla, te aseguro que es igual de rico que el original y la relacion precio calidad es increible, sorprende a tus amigos y familias con esta version unica y basta solo cinco minutos para su preparacion y la presentacion genial solo con un recipiente decorado es suficiente.

Good morning dear community, today I bring you my homemade recipe for Baileys cream, if you are fans of this recipe I will give you the homemade version 😱, I am sure you will love it, it is also quick and simple, I assure you that it is just as delicious as The original and the quality-price ratio is incredible, surprise your friends and families with this unique version and it only takes five minutes to prepare and the great presentation with just a decorated container is enough..


Vamos con los ingredientes, solo perderas tiempo en hacer una taza de cafe negro porque el resto es todo preparado:
  • 1 Pote de leche condesada.
  • 1 pote de leche eveporada.
  • 200 ml. de crema de leche.
  • Una taza de cafe .
  • Una taza de whisky.
  • Una taza de cacao en polvo.
  • Una cucharada de Vainilla.*


Let's go with the ingredients, you will only waste time making a cup of black coffee because the rest is all prepared:
  • 1 Pot of condensed milk.
  • 1 pot of evaporated milk.
  • 200 ml. of milk cream.
  • A cup of coffee .
  • A cup of whiskey.
  • A cup of cocoa powder.
  • A tablespoon of vanilla

Ingredientes // Ingredients

Ahora la preparacion, simplemente en una licuadora viertes todos los ingredientes, independientemente el orden y licuas hasta que todos los ingredientes se unifiquen y el liquido tenga una consistencia cremosa.

Now the preparation, simply pour all the ingredients into a blender, regardless of the order, and blend until all the ingredients are combined and the liquid has a creamy consistency.

Ya para finalizar simplemente vertimos en una copa y probamos para ver si hay que hacer algunos ajuste pero si cumplen la receta tal como se presento les aseguro que no hay que realizar ningun ajuste, luego vertimos en un recipiente de vifrio y recervamos en la nevera por una hora.

Finally, we simply pour into a glass and try to see if we need to make any adjustments, but if you follow the recipe as presented, I assure you that no adjustments need to be made, then we pour into a glass container and store it in the refrigerator for one hour.

Gracias por tomar un poco de su tiempo y disfrutar de mi blog.

Las fotos son de mi autoría y fueron tomadas con mi celular iphone 14

Thank you for taking a little of your time and enjoying my blog.

The photos are my responsibility and were taken with my iPhone 14



Manual Curation by sagarkothari88
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Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️, Suggested By @sirenahippie
@sirenahippie says - Great recipe! Ideal for celebrations. Happy 2024!

Good night @joseq1570

This recipe is very simple, practical but delicious, and it is also very economical compared to the cost of the original drink.

We wanted to make two observations about your post:

  • Even when your hands and arms are visible throughout the development of the recipe, try to show your face too in your future posts, at least in 3 photos.

  • The separators that you have used in this post are for the exclusive use of the community and its administrator. We suggest that you create your dividers for your future posts, for this you can use the Canva application, there you can design something great.

Greetings and happy 2024

thanks for the observations

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