Fabulous Pineapple Carato / Fabuloso Carato de Piña

in Amazing Drinks8 months ago


Fabulous Pineapple Carato

I bring you a pineapple carato, a delicious, refreshing and nutritious drink, a very traditional drink, which when fermented provides many benefits to our health, besides pineapple by itself, is an excellent natural diuretic, it has high fiber content and contains vitamin C. There are many ways to prepare it, but the traditional one in our Venezuelan family comes from generation to generation. And everyone gives it their personal touch, for a long time I made it and did not change the way. This time I varied the recipe a little, and it had an excellent flavor. These days, talking with some drinking friends, we talked about pineapple carato and each one expressed their own way of making it.


Fabuloso Carato de Piña

Les traigo un carato de piña, una bebida por demás deliciosa, refrescante y nutritiva una bebida muy tradicional, que al fermentarla nos proporciona muchos beneficios a nuestra salud, además la piña por sí sola, es un excelente diurético natural, posee alto contenido de fibra y contiene vitamina C. Las formas de prepararla son muchas, pero la tradicional de nuestra familia venezolana viene de generación en generación. Y cada quien le da su toque personal, por mucho tiempo la realizo y no cambió la manera. En esta oportunidad la varié un poco la receta, y quedó con excelente sabor. En estos días, conversando con unas amigas de bebida, hablamos del carato de piña y cada quien expresó su manera de realizarla.



Two of my friends have their own personal touch; one adds liquor, another adds condensed milk. Well, taking ideas, I decided to change and give another touch to my chicha. I fermented it for several days to obtain the natural alcohol, and added condensed milk, which I normally make at home; it turned out fabulous. The ingredients we are going to use are the following.


  • 1 pineapple
  • 2 ½ liters of water
  • 5 sweet cloves
  • A sprig of cinnamon and a sprig of yerba buena.
  • ½ cup of sugar
  • ½ panela of papelón
  • 75 grams of rice
  • 1 can of condensed milk.

Dos de las amigas, tienen su toque personal; una le agrega licor, otra le añade leche condensada. Bueno, tomando ideas, decidí, cambiar y darle otro toque a mi chicha. La fermenté durante varios días para obtener el alcohol natural, y le coloqué leche condensada que normalmente la hago en casa; quedó fabulosa. Los ingredientes que vamos a utilizar son los siguientes.


  • 1 piña
  • 2 ½ litros de agua
  • 5 clavos dulces
  • Una ramita de canela y ramita de yerba buena.
  • ½ taza de azúcar
  • ½ panela de papelón
  • 75 gramos de arroz
  • 1 lata de leche condensada.



Wash the pineapple very well, cut into pieces with the skin, in a fairly large bowl. Pour all: pineapple, water, sweet cloves, sugar or papelón; I used both products: cinnamon, mint. And we place the container in a cool place for three or four days, so that it makes its fermentation process.


Lavar la piña muy bien, cortamos en trozos con la piel, en un recipiente bastante amplio. Vertemos todos: la piña, el agua, los clavos dulces, el azúcar o papelón; yo utilicé los dos productos: la canela, la hierbabuena. Y colocamos el envase en un lugar fresco, por tres o cuatro días, para que haga su proceso de fermentación.

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Once the time has elapsed, empty everything into a pot, put it on the fire, add the rice, the paprika, mix and cover, leaving it over medium heat until the pineapple softens.

Cumplido el tiempo, vaciamos todo en una olla, la montamos al fuego, le agregamos el arroz, el papelón, mezclamos y tapamos dejándolo a fuego medio, hasta que la piña se ablande.






Once the fruit softens, remove from the heat and let it cool. When it is at natural temperature, blend and strain.

Una vez que la fruta ablande, retiramos del fuego y dejamos que enfrié. Cuando este a temperatura natural, licuamos y colamos.




Once sieved, pour two cups of the mixture into the blender, add enough crushed ice, then the condensed milk. This mixture is mixed with the rest, well integrated and served.

Ya tamizado, vertemos en la licuadora dos tazas del licuado, le agregamos bastante hielo picado, seguidamente la leche condensada. Esta mezcla la unimos con el resto, integramos bien y servimos.

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Note: Before blending, remove the cinnamon and two cloves.

Nota: Antes de licuar sacar la canela, y dos clavos dulce.



I have never tried pineapple without removing the skin. I was very afraid of pineapple skin because my mother often said it was itchy. However, recently I also found a drink recipe that is almost similar to the one you made, they soak the pineapple skin and ferment it. and I'm sure you make this differently because you cook. Is this safe and not itchy?

@nurfay Hello beautiful, how are you, it really is a natural guarapo that has been made for years, it is a Venezuelan tradition, you can make it in different ways, removing the skin or not. You can leave it to ferment with the skin alone and water, adding the sugar, you drink the guarapo, I have done it this way too. The other way is to chop everything as you see in the blog, because as it is thicker with the pulp I cook it to be able to liquefy it, so as not to force the blender, of course you take more advantage of its properties. But really fermentation is the right process to restore our intestinal flora because of the probiotics it contains.

I recommend it, it doesn't sting at all. It is divine both ways.

Hi @lanoican !!

Wow, in the future I will have to make this, and not trow away pineapple skin. Kecause I have seen to social media that fermented pineapple skin is very good for the body.

Thanks for the explanation and this great post dear!

@nurfay You're welcome, always at your service, a hug.

Este carato es un clásico de la gastronomía venezolana, también se conoce como chicha andina, es una bebida deliciosa y muy nutritiva. Gracias por compartir la receta @lanoican


@sirenahippie Gracias, un placer.

Siempre me han dicho que está chicha que es tradición andina aquí en mi país, Venezuela es una delicia. Mil gracias por compartir esta receta. Se ve increíblemente deliciosa. Abrazos

@milik80 Gracias amiga, es la mejor chicha, no te mienten, entre otras bebidas que también son deliciosas, en nuestro país.