Hi, amazing Hive bloggers!
December has already begun, and I'm feeling really exited about the little bunch of holidays that are coming because I'll have more time for myself and for my loved ones. There's so much I'd like to do, and it's difficult during the year, you know, with so much work, working two jobs, trying to keep my Hive blog decent, and the house--oh, the house!--So many things to do, so little time. Anyway, today I want to share a little experiment of mine that turned out pretty well: pineapple cream rum punch, which is like blending pineapple compote, pastry cream, rum, and spices, all homemade. Delicious!

We Venezuelans have a young tradition of cream punch. It started out in 1871 with Eliodoro Gonzalez who created the first commercial leche de burra that wasn't actually leche de burra for two reasons: first, the original leche de burra has no rum in its formula, and second, it was cream made of cow's milk plus egg yolks and spices, something like American eggnog. Eliodoro Gonzalez called his product Ponche Cream (cream punch).
Now, our cream punch is similar to the popular Irish cream, but we use cane rum instead of whiskey, this one among other differences.
Anyway, we like to share these #amazingdrinks with family and friends all the year round, but specially every Christmas.
I've made a version of Venezuelan traditional cream punch by adding pineapple-- besides making it my own way. It happens that every family has their own recipe for homemade cream punch.
This one I took to a special homemade pizza with pear slices to a pre-Christmas get-together. Actually, I made two bottles, as one was for my house 😁 But I will present you with the recipe for one bottle, i.e. 1 liter.
Below you can see the one I left in my house. As more than three days have gone by ever since I prepared it, it's turned a little thicker. And I should warn you in case you've never made cream punch, it can be hard to get it out of the bottle if you try to make it thicker and then put it in the fridge. I keep this one out of the fridge.
For 1 liter of pineapple cream rum punch:
- 2 1/2 cups homemade pineapple compote
- 250 ml condensed milk
- 150 ml evaporated milk
- 4 egg yolks
- 1 stick cinnamon
- 1 teaspoon nutmeg
- 2 teaspoons vanilla essence
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon lemon zest
- Rum to finish filling the one liter bottle, 150 ml approx
Making the Punch
Following this recipe is super easy.
First of all, peel, chop, and blend the pineapple to get two cups of compote. I used my blender.

After the blender has processed the pineapple chunks (with no water), put this thick juice in a pot and take it to cook over medium to low heat, until it becomes very thick, with the consistency of compote. It took me about 20 minutes, and I had to stir it from time to time, to prevent it from sticking to the bottom of the pot.
Then strain the compote and discard the bagasse.
Take it to cook again and this time add the egg yolks, condensed milk, and spices. Mix well and cook over low to medium heat, stirring constantly until it turns thick.
Now, with the heat off, add the evaporated milk and lemon zest and stir for a few seconds. Let the mixture stand until it has lost enough heat to process it in the blender.
Remove the cinnamon stick, but leave the lemon zest. It's time to add some rum. I use a cheap rum, but not the cheapest. It's important that you use some rum you like because it's going to be important part of the aftertaste.

At this point, there were 850 ml of mixture in my blender. I added 150 ml of rum to make a liter.
Be prepared with a sterilized glass bottle to fill it with your freshly made punch. You will also need a funnel. Blend the mixture very well, until it becomes smooth.
You can give it a try right away!

I hope you have found this recipe useful. Remember that if you don't consume alcohol for any reason, punch is also delicious without it. If you want, you can add ginger to make it spicier!
WOOOOW! se prendio esta... broma jajaja , amiga yo quiero hacer esta preparación es ya! pero tengo por ahí un whisky que se ríe conmigo jajaja
Me estoy imaginando la combinación con la piña uff, debe ser brutal tu ponche, la canela y esa piña son el toque mágico , te felicito amiga, ahora soñare con este ponche jajaja
Hágalo, hágalo pa que vea. Es muy rico, pero no creo que valga la pena un whisky; el ponche aguanta hasta Record,jeje. No, mentira, no es para tanto. Pero un ron que no sea de los peores va bien.
Ojalá lo puedas hacer. Yo pronto voy a hacer el vegano, con leche de coco 😋
Gracias por pasar, mi querido amigo ❤️😁
Con motatan sería ideal , porque el callejonero es demasiado rudo 🤣
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Thank you so much for your consideration and support, @foodiesunite, @edwing357 ❤️😁
👍 ❤️ Upvoted ❤️ 👍
Thank you so much for your consideration and support, @sagarkothari88, @sirenahippie ❤️😁
You are most welcome.
I'll keep up the good work.
I'm sure you will ❤️
OMG! Me encantan las recetas de ponches...
Este con sabor a piña es la primera que lo veo, cuanto espesor, cuanto sabor, cuanta delicia... La forma de prepararlo es super divino. Nuestra Bebida favorita por excelencia para celebrar en estas fechas e infaltable en la mesa!
Te confieso que estas combinaciones causan estragos en mi estomago, sin embargo ya lo probé y lo disfruté porque me encantan el ponche crema.
Luego te cuento de mi ponche e intercambiamos botellas...😋
Gracias por compartir esta deliciosa bebida!
A mí el ponche me cae fatal 🤣 Pero el que tiene familia, amigos y Navidad no puede luchar por la justicia 😂 Estoy pensando la receta para uno de coco, cero lactosa y a ver cuánto es lo mínimo de azúcar añadida que le puedo poner. Micerebro hace los cálculos. Pronto...
Gracias por pasar, querida amiga mía. Te guardo ponche, pero del otro, a ver cómo nos cae. Eso sí, con roncito 😁❤️
Ya somos dos con estragos...😁 saldremos airosas como Daenerys Targaryen, así que sigamos brindando y haga sus cálculos que yo voy confiada. Si! con roncito
Este ponche te quedo brutal! me encantó ese gif
Looks like a very tasty drink. The layout is excellent. Thanks for sharing.
You're too kind, my friend. Thank you so much for dropping by and for your nice words. Cheers! 💕
Amiga mía ese ponche se ve brutal como decimos aquí en nuestro país. Piña, canela ron. Dios se ve súper espeso. Se me hizo agua la boca. Felicidades y gracias por compartir esta receta
Oh, gracias, gracias 😁 Veo ponche en tu futuro, lo veo en mi bola de cristal navideña 😃
Gracias por pasar, @milik80 ❤️
I have never seen a recipe like this. Looks like I'll try to make it. thank you for the recipe.
I hope you like if you ever try making it. Cream punch is ideal for who like sweet drinks. Thank you so much for dropping by, @tomidiwirja 😁
Lovely combination for this wonderful season @marlyncabrera . It looks so yummy and attractive. Thanks for sharing. Compliments of the season 🎄🎅💕
Thank you so much, gorgeous @sunshine29! I'm discovering the magic different tropical fruits work on this traditional punch of ours 😁❤️
Thank you so much for dropping by!
Estaba pendiente de pasar a comentar esta estupenda receta, de veras te has lucido con esta combinación @marlyncabrera, tengo que probarla, ya que sería un ponche totalmente diferente al que generalmente tomamos en Navidad. Muchas gracias por compartirlo. Que tengas un estupendo día. Saludos.
Cuando mis amigos probaron el ponche quedaron maravillados. Yo también quedé muy contenta con el resultado; ahora quiero ver cómo queda con otras frutas y leches vegetales.
Te guardo tu botellita, para que brindes en las fiestas. Muchísimas gracias por pasar y por la motivación, bella @sirena75 💕 Qué tengas un lindo día 😁❤️
Que grata sorpresa al ver tu versión de ponche crema con piña, porque es una de las frutas que me encanta y disfruto hasta mas no poder y este ponche estoy segura es una delicia!🤤
Por cierto, cuando estaba en Vzla, cada vez que me sentaba a comerme unas rodajas de piña, le decía a Fernando, mi esposo que la piña es tan rica🍍 que estaba segura que era la fruta favorita de Nefertiti, Cleopatra y todos los Faraones Egipcios! Jajajaja!🤣🤣🤣🤣 ¡Cosas mías!😁
Me encantó esta receta para celebrar estas fiestas decembrinas!🧑🎄
Gracias, @marlyncabtera por compartir tu originalidad en la cocina!