In the nick of time! I didn't want to miss this one, especially after @luisacarola's kind invitation ❤️ And it might be late for my inviting a friend, but here I go anyway; the invitation goes to @adncabrera 😁
I like both lemon water and lemonade in all the versions I've tried so far: plain lemonade (3 parts juice, 1 part water, and some sugar--+ broken ice!), lemonade with lemon zest, lemonade slushies. I've heard and read about the many benefits of lemon juice, and the way I have it most of the time is in lemonades during a hot morning but never on a empty stomach (for no particular reason). In my town, lemonades are popular and sometimes they come with a good dose of sugar or cane honey; I like those, but I prefer them with no sugar if the day is hot 🔥 because sweet drinks just make me thirstier. If I could have one lemonade right now, it'd be a full glass of a minty lemonade slushie with no sugar, like the one below.
I ordered this one at La Marea, Club de Playa, a beach club I visited a couple of years ago; they blend leaves of spearmint with ice and freshly squeezed lemon juice. I fell in love with this drink, which I had never tried this way before. I have some spearmint and lemons, so I might make some later 😁
Hi @marlyncabrera
I think it is wise not to drink lemonade on an empty stomach, as it can cause some discomfort. This drink that you show us looks super delicious, healthy and with great flavor. I'm sure, as always, you will make something epic with those lemons and that mint, it will surely be a super interesting recipe.
Long live the lemonade!
Thank you very much for participating in the mini contest.
Hey, @sirenahippie 🍹😁 I stored the spearmint leaves in the fridge; I hope they're still fresh when I'm back home. I'll use InLeo, see how it goes.
Thank you so much for your attention and consideration 🙌🏻 Cheers!
You will surely do great with INLEO. Great that you use that front. Greetings
Hi @marlyncabrera, thanks for accepting my invitation 😁. I'm craving to try those mint lemonades from La Marea, Beach Club 🤤 It looks great! Let's toast with lemonade!!! 🥳😂. A hug 😊
Lemonades are always great for me, so cheers!
Sending hugs from Cumaná...
Amiga, sabes que aquí en Buenos Aires, lo sirven así en casi todos los restaurantes. Con mucha yerba buena, unos la ponen licuada y otros en hojitas, pero full de hielo. eso es delicioso y no escatiman en echarle limón. ¡guau es fantastica! Saludos.
Ésta la licúan completamente, pero también me gusta con las hojas majadas en el fondo del vaso (como en los mojitos).
Un abrazote, @numa26 🥰