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RE: Make jelly drinks

in Amazing Drinks11 months ago

Hi @bananaklatbarat

Welcome to the community. I see you brought some gelatin, but as far as I know, gelatin is not a drink, but a cold dessert.

On the other hand, this post lacks the amount of ingredients to use, and does not indicate how many servings you got.

I also see that you appear in two photos, but I don't understand why you don't turn your face towards the camera, so I can get to know you.

Avoid posting desserts in this community, as this community is DRINKS ONLY. For desserts and other foods there is the Foodies Bee Hive community, which I also run.

Keep all these instructions in mind for your future posts on Amazing Drinks.



Terima kasih teman-teman semuanya yang telah mensuport saya semoga teman-teman sehat dan lancar segala urusan

Yes, thank you for your input and comments