Hoy en la mañana me levanté temprano, realicé una caminata y cuando regresé observé en la nevera que tenía unos cambures muy maduros e inmediatamente me dije a mí misma voy a hacer un batido delicioso para recuperar potasio fibra y empezar el día activos tanto para mí como para mis hijos: delicioso batido de bananas con pasas y leche.
Hello to all the friends of #amazingdrinks
Hola a todos los amigos de #amazingdrinksToday in the morning I got up early, I went for a walk and when I came back I noticed in the refrigerator that I had some very ripe bananas and I immediately told myself I'm going to make a delicious smoothie to recover potassium, fiber and start the day active for both me and For my children: delicious banana smoothie with raisins and milk.
- 6 bananas.
- 1 taza de leche en polvo.
- 1/2 taza de pasas.
- 2 vasos con agua para su preparación.
The ingredients for my exquisite drink are the following:
- 6 bananas.
- 1 cup of powdered milk.
- 1/2 cup of raisins.
- 2 glasses of water for preparation.
I had these bananas in the refrigerator for days. And then I decided to prepare them this way, since the more days that pass they age and become much sweeter, which is why this recipe does not have any sugar, simply the bananas themselves will provide the sweetness as well as the raisins.
One of the advantages of this drink or shake is that it does not use sugar and that is very healthy for us, since we cannot start the morning by eating foods that cause certain diseases over time, such as refined sugar. That is to say, bananas when they are already in this state are very sweet and on this occasion I wanted to take advantage of that advantage and at the same time a little raisins since both are rich in potassium, fiber and glucose, good for our body.
We proceed with our smoothie as follows: once the skin of the banana has been removed, these go into the blender with the two glasses of cold, drinkable water, obviously the half cup of raisins and the fruit from the banana. We put it in the blender and process for one minute, all of them become a single mixture and the milk is added to your liking; I am using a cup for them and the result is magnificent.
After a morning of exercises, the ideal is to recharge and replenish all the potassium, vitamins, minerals and fiber that are needed; As you can see the consistency of the mixture is quite thick, ideal for my children and me. This is because the banana is in a state of ripening and is ideal for everyone at home, which is why I got three glasses, one for each person and enjoy.
One of the advantages of this smoothie is that we can combine fruits, also for example on another occasion when I prepared it and added peanuts and nuts... making it a much more powerful drink, the texture is delicious, smooth, thick, divine and the Milk gives that ideal touch to the palate.
Thank you very much for the visit. All photos were taken and edited in Incollage Photo Editor with my Redmi 9T Smartphone, Venezuela.
Delegations welcome! You've been curated by @amazingdrinks!
Thank you.
Puedo imaginar el sabor de esta bebida, creo que combinan muy bien!
Saludos 🙏
muy deliciosa en verdad a los niños les gusto mucho.
Gracias por la visita.
Que delicia, yo casi no como Cambur pues no es de mis frutas preferidas pero amo este batido, no lo he probado con pasas pero seguro le va muy bien!
Gracias @xixi80 por tu deliciosa receta 😊
A los niños les encanta y es una delicia en verdad. Gracias por la visita amiga.
Super especial este batido.
y delicioso en verdad te lo recomiendo....Gracias por la visita