The planet Venus represents one the strongest powers in this existence but has been degraded and synonymous with Satan/Saturn by the false elites or guardians of the knowledge ( Shriners, masons, "illuminati"). We see Lucifer depicted as a daemon analogous to Satan in modern media and culture.
Lucifer is the Latin word for Venus. So why has Lucifer been transformed into an evil entity when Venus represents the feminine polarity, "heaven's gate", and the light. When a woman is pregnant, their girlfriends describe her as "glowing".
Venus represents fertility, money, wealth, health. Depictions of Venus from KMT, Moorish empire, and African tribal customs, and many other nations are of very fertile women, large breasts, "fupa", large thighs.
A fertile woman produces an abundance. Healthy children, healthy families, and strong communities. But the fakes overseeing society keep playing tricks.
Remember "Lucy"? The first "woman"? The Darwin mafia said this was. Very masculine physically. Also portraying Venus as a dark ape walking upright. What is the trick here .. 🤔
Holly wood continues to cast this kind of spell. Lucy is Venus here... abandons Venus, and is portrayed as Mars or even Saturn.
" Everything up is down" A man portraying Lucifer (Venus).
The most famous Lucifer portrayal. Luke Skywalker. Brought the light to Saturn (Darth/Dark Vader). Again embodying warrior energy compared to Venus' magnetism.
The newer Trilogy created the character of Rey/"Ray" to portray the light bringer the "Skywalker" Venus. However, she doesn't represent the divine feminine again.. but a martial figure.
The false elites took the precession of Venus over the Earth and merged it with the Satanic pentagram. Again mix-matching symbols that are not related to deceive.
Saturn being the enforcer, the deputy, father, Kronos, SET. Is not the same as Venus, the light bearer, life-giver. To put this in Astrological terms. The overseers of society cast a Venus conjunct Saturn in Aries spell on everyone who participates, watches, intakes their media.
The gag is (literally a gag) if the feminine polarity is not respected all that comes with Venus....rots. Society as a whole... rots. Every man wants the Venus figure which is why she's known as the great whore. But this is really an allegory based upon its precession travel.
And this decay is because of the gospels (go spells) being projected onto the public by imposters that took over Al Meruka(America) from the Moorish empire then co-splayed the entire constitution of that empire. People wearing costumes and regalia that's not theirs.
So that's the trick. Lucifer is not evil, or "dark". The true meaning was co-opted to assist in societal destruction through misguidance. Knowing that original Venus was likely a Dravidian like woman, .. origins in Northeast Africa. Why is there such an effort to misguide, blunt, destroy...
Venus energy? Transmute it into Martial or Saturnian energy? When Venus is creation itself?
A dive deeper into Venus in the astrological sense and the key to unlocking Venus.
In order for true prosperity, for seeds to grow seeds, that are sewn must be in fertile and stable soil. Venus Taurus... Relationships must be even-handed, fair, just to grow healthily. Venus Libra
Sharing the current with others = wealth.. square dealing with your peers = wealth. You ever live in a building or home with neighbors that you can borrow tools from, knock on the door and ask for milk from and they give it you without hesitating. This is the work of Venus.
be poor. Attempting to gain, hold on to, or keep something that's not yours. Lessons for Venus (detriment) Aries and Scorpions.
Even if you have monetary're poor. This is why so many mega-wealthy people are actually poor and depraved.
n the relationship sense. Seeds need stable and fertile soil to grow. What happens when there is erratic weather. Cold frosts come after planting date, torrential rain, and flooding comes drowning the seedlings.
Now look at those seeds are a metaphor for children.
At home, there is always fighting, maybe you're constantly moving from apt to apt so the seedlings never plant roots. Maybe the children don't know their family tree and therefore don't even understand why they're here.
This is counter Venusian. This is chaos (fire/water)
The elements that rule Venus (air/Earth) are stable, Earth does not move... air is aether or "pure essence". Venus at her weakest (fire/water) is under unstable and potentially destructive elements. She's not comfortable in chaos.
So when considering your own wealth (in the broadest sense possible, community, comradery, finances, family) consider these things. Is your financial life in chaos, do you hold on to possessions you do not need (people or material), cause unnecessary conflict
do you do work on all 3 dimensions ...(physical, mental, spiritual), or are you lazy in one of these dimensions and as a result energy is stagnant. These are considerations to make especially when you're born under a debilitated or challenged Venus ..
Venus Aries, Scorpio, Venus -Saturn, Venus square Mars and more. It might be possible that some of these signatures run in family.
One famous family where Venus has brought great monetary wealth but it comes with trauma, suffering, lack of love is the Mayweather family.
Floyd Mayweather Sr. Jr. and Roger Mayweather ( RIP) all have challenged weak Venus' natally and have a long history of abuse, violence, criminality in Sr's case. Roger Mayweather was diabetic...
told us a long time ago metaphysically diabetes is lack of love
lack of sweetness in one's life. Roger had Venus in Aries. Jr. has Venus in Aries. wealthy financially, but seems to lack true friendship and brotherhood. Floyd Sr. sold drugs to his own wife. Venus in Scorpio.
So this is the chaotic environment Floyd Jr was raised in.. his father was in and out of jail... domestic abuse.
The generational Venus curse seems to have been passed on to his daughter.. who is a Taurus herself.. but seems to be so love-starved that she thought she owned someone and couldn't allow them to live their life. His own children are dissing him on social media. He has a large home with all of the amenities one could want, but the home is still in chaos... no Venus there.