Content and engagement that makes potatoes taste good.
What is Dynamichivers?
"It is a Hive account that asks you to activate the power of the imagination, a power that anyone has, even those who don’t believe they have enough Hive power or resource credits. This an energy that is condensed and transformed into community and curation of content, that is, into us; the dynamichivers.”-@dynamicgreentk
- founder of @dynamicsteemians and now @dynamichivers
There was a huge vacuum of disappointment across the Steem blockchain and then eventually the Hive blockchain when @dynamicgreentk went awol for over a year; allowing for the @dynamicsteemians to go inactive.
Upon his return back he found the group, @dynamicsteemians, completely void of activity. There where some stragglers and truly committed people that remained. Still yet, the vibes and group needed to be cleaned up and re-envisioned. Although, the curation trail remained. So @dynamicgreentk revamped everything.
- See the post below to learn more
"The @dynamicsteemians is nothing more than a space full of energy I thought, and if we stop engaging or posting and there is nothing left in the community, according to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, that ‘nothing’ has a weight, and perhaps that weight was still weighing down the hearts and minds of who believed in @dynamicsteemians.”, @dynamicgreentk further explained.
The energy of the Universe is always moving and transmuting into and out of form. This law of nature further tells us that energy is always in a state of motion. It will take one form, move to another form, but it's always in motion and never standing still. This law relates to the universe and our consciousness through the realization that everything seen and unseen is constantly changing. We can harness this energy and transform it into whatever form we desire, we should then realize that the energy that is with us at the moment can be focused toward good and then the things around us and within us will change for the better. The energy is flowing into our consciousness constantly, we transform this energy into whatever we choose through our focus of attention at the moment. The formless energy is amenable to being shaped by our minds.
So why not transfer the energy to a new account, @dynamicgreentk thought. Take this energy and move it to a new vacuum, @dynamichivers. @jonyoudyer, the Co-founder/community manager of @canna-curate suggested this. @dynamicgreentk was hesitant at first but a generous donation of a 5000hp delegation from @abundance.tribe to help encourage commenting on posts to the @dynamicsteemians account votes on was the final push forward in the realization of @dynamichivers.
@dynamichivers will use their energy to comment. @dynamichivers comment and engage on what @dynamicsteemians votes on.
@dynamicsteemians will provide support to comments and replies to the @dynamichivers comments.
As the voting mana allows. With only 5000hp of the needed 10,000hp to make a $0.03 vote with each comment voting will be limited. @dynamicsteemians is the lead voter for the curation trail account and the Voting Mana can not go below 93% to ensure proper voting on https://hive.vote for curated content.
Discord for Dynamicsteemians/Dynamichivers
So... want me to switch that all over to dynamichivers then?
Feel free to hit me up on Discord or Telegram; I'm happy to put our trail at a small % follow, we just gotta chat about the math so it doesn't screw with all the others :-)
I sent a friend request to ya on discord.
Dynamichivers!!! I like the username.
I hope everything will go in the right way.
Good Luck.
I look forward to your logo!
This is awesome! Glad to see you back in action. Those with Steem in their profile name had a harder time switching to Hive. Really hated to see Steem go the way it did, but Hive really has kicked some ass, and proved that they had way more then what Justin Sun could come up with.
The economics of Hive is showing great stability and promise.
Congratulations @dynamichivers! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s) :
Your next target is to reach 50 upvotes.
Your next target is to reach 50 comments.
Your next target is to reach 50 replies.
You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking
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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!
Hey, I appreciate the upvote! Thank you!
PS Abundancetribe is the rebranding of TSU, ;)
Right on but still would be nice for better communication so I can best represent their HP.
They threw it on the account I try to keep at 98-99% voting Mana 😄 but its all cool I can adapt😎
Ill probably throw a hundred bucks towards some hive power deli on Monday to get us to hopefully 7,000hp total. Just to show good faith. I dont really have the hundred bucks logistically but maybe ill do 50 bucks a week until I get to 10,000 hp. We will see.
You are doing work that should make engagement and activity on the Hive blockchain. This is really useful for anyone who, for some reason, has stopped working productively on the site. This is a step forward, a good alternative is never superfluous. An interesting post, there is something to think about. Thank you very much.
Thank you for your consistent engagement and relentless words of encouragement!
welcome back and keep up the good work! :D
Thank you!
Sounds like an important and valuable project, the more genuine interaction on this platform the better in my opinion. Though, careful not to do too much! I had a phase with my contest where I really overdid it reading posts and responding to messages and it's nice to take a good break every once and a while and not let it overwhelm you! Cheers and all the best to you with your efforts! :)
I did take over a year off... But you are right! I had to leave IFC just because of that. Then my health spiraled like a lot of peoples on here for various reasons.
Its funny but yeah I cant believe how fast my fun little curation endeavor is growing. I tried to make it intimate but I guess I talk too much🤣
Thanks for the reblog bro!
Ah. I see. I've heard similar from others. It definitely was a bit demanding. Oh? Word! I hope your project goes well! And you're welcome for the reblog. Cheers friend! <3
Thank you. Have a nice day and good luck with Hive.
Мой украинский друг, я собираюсь отдохнуть головой на ночь. Сегодня вечером, когда я мечтаю, я могу спокойно быть спокойным, зная, что вы с неослабевающим рвением удерживаете блокчейн Hive. Вовлеченность, которую вы сделаете дождем на блокчейн Hive, может быть сопоставима только с самим Суперменом, сбросив ураган на блокчейн.
Сегодня ваш день, чтобы продолжать быть успешным с вашими впечатляющими постами, которые, безусловно, будут динамичными по своей природе!
Ваши комментарии сильны и воодушевляют. Они утолены масс столь необходимой восточноевропейской любовью.
Thank you. 🙏
Interesting post. I'm sure luck is just around the corner. Success is guaranteed.
So, we've also got this little baby sitting aside... a project that never quite picked up (we do have a discord bot running for it 😜) designed JUST to feature new users, and to try to get them some followers and interaction.
I don't know why exactly, but I felt called to share this with ya :-)
Oh man that is pretty cool but OCD and others are all over the introduce yourself tag... But yes I can do some tag exploring and investigating.
I was curious if Hive is actually being used in real life by people to eat in Venezuela. I kind of want to see what the economy is like for them. I mean if they can live off of hive and they are starting to take over the blockchain or rather increasing numbers exponentially, why not see how hive is imacying them in real life.
That always turned me on with steam when it was in its heyday. A $1 up vote was enough to feed some people in certain countries in Africa. It was something I enjoyed. It was kind of cool the dynamicsteemians curation yrail was enough to provide a $1 up vote at one time and was actually feeding people... Allegedly. Either way they blogged harder for that $1.
Long story short wouldn't that be cool to help people in Venezuela eat if Hive is valuable there?
@kennyskitchen @trucklife-family
Yeah that would be great, there are quite a lot of wonderful people from Venezuela very active in the @naturalmedicine community, which was started by one of our tribe members and I know that they get a lot of support from that community. Being able to make a positive difference in someone's life is a wonderful thing to do and I know Hive certainly does that over there. @drrune is possibly someone to reach out to and talk about this with also, he is a tribe member and wonderful content creator on here. xxxx
Yeah that would be great, there are quite a lot of wonderful people from Venezuela very active in the Natural Medicine community, which was started by one of our tribe members and I know that they get a lot of support from that community. Being able to make a positive difference in someone's life is a wonderful thing to do and I know Hive certainly does that over there. @drrune is someone to reach out to and talk about this with also, he is a tribe member and wonderful content creator on here xxxx
Hey @drrune, I was curious about some things in regards to the Bolivar, on what scale is Hive currency being used by Venezuelans to live, the realities of using hive on real life there. Risks?
I was looking into some key things like an estimated cost of living chart for a single Venezuelan to live. Is this a fair approximation?
Also its seems binance is primarily used. Are you aware of the fees one is too expect from transferring hive to BTC to bolivar?
Hey, @dynamichivers! Well, I wish I could confirm or deny estimates, but things vary widely here from town to town, city to city and even between different areas. These estimates, although possible for some families or individuals, are untenable for most inhabitants. There are really few key points that I could establish as reference for how much a family requires to live, or how costly life is here. Even US dollars experience serious inflation here, which is unheard of anywhere else. The Bolívar itself is still in use both digitally and in cash, as crazy as it may sound, and yes, Binance accepts Bolivars and that makes it very popular. These transactions are carried out through individuals whom the platform has vetted, it's the only way to truly trade Bolivars in this country because everything has to be handled through State or private banks and the infrastructure's really bad. Uphold also has its reach, and Coinbase is starting to gain a foothold. A lot of people use AirTM and Zelle is even more common, but again, only in some areas, most citizens are either too far from any decent internet, plagued by constant blackouts (or worse, organized crime syndicates) or just lack the necessary equipment to access these services, most of which also require access to accounts abroad.
According to NASDAQ, Venezuela's the third country with the most crypto transactions, and I think that's about right. There's another aspect to account for, that I mentioned above: crime. This country's teeming with all kinds of corrupt bureaucrats, shady businessmen and just plain armed thugs (regime cronies or connected to them), most of whom are forced to stay here because they'd be jailed immediately if they left the country. A lot of the heaviest fishes are also sanctioned so they literally can't do anything else with their money. So they have to spend their fortunes in the country they ruined. Quite poetic. They open a bunch of crazy shops that sell a bunch of foreign products at rather affordable prices, even by US standards.
At the same time, we thrive in so many ways that can't be measured in estimates or through the lens of politics. It's a deeply societal phenomenon. People in the Caracas subway have dollars to spend on trinkets and snacks that the ubiquitous hawkers sell at ridiculously low prices. They also serve as exchangers, they have their own exchange rates and everything. Bus drivers too, when they can. There are new shops and businesses everywhere. The flow of foreign currency is so steady that there are businesses and startups flourishing all about. Each community has developed its own trade over the years, a trend which the pandemic must've surely spurred all over the world already.
There's a lot more I could say about this, but I have other responsibilities to attend to at the moment. I hope this is helpful!
So, I think it seems as though the decentralized community in Venezuela is growing exponentially due to humanitarian reasons and obviously global corruption.
I think maybe @tribewelcome should explore using it to welcome Venezuelans to Hive and helping them in their journey in the decentralized world that they are pioneering on many levels.
If just one upvote from tribewelcome helps someone eat or encourages them to grow on hive to sustainably eat and pay bills indefinitely, than that would be a cool endeavor to explore.
@angelica7 or @andreaa22 comes to mind just quickly thinking of people that could help manage the account but im not that connected to that community. As maybe @dbroze is or others in your community @kennyskitchen @trucklife-family
I was poking around the communities, look like the Venezuela one has been pretty dead for a while.
The @crossculture community is doing a lot of work connecting folks from across the planet, and @naturalmedicine definitely pulls people from everywhere (and those are A.T's most supported communities)
The idea with this project (@tribewelcome) was that any of a bunch of folks on the Discord could go use the bot to vote, comment, and re-blog new folks' intro post, or first one or whatever.... but it never really happened.
I know the introduceyourself tag is curated, but someone has to already know what they're doing to some extent in order to post there :-P
Yes... Thank you for clarifying the greater purpose. Noted... Today might be a slower day for curating for me. Ill look further into this endeavor later today.
Also I have dynamichivers following tribevibes. So at the very least I can see the content and incorporate a day or two each week to engaging there. Just stuff im thinking of as I am trying to keep up with blogs and comments.
As @drrune is probably too busy
Sorry about the multiple answer. There was an issue with the node I was using, it wasn't taking my reply.
I had issues this morning too. It was frustrating🤪