About Of Some Summer Fruits

in BDCommunity5 years ago (edited)

Many kinds of delicious fruits are usually found in this season. Whenever I go out of the house, I see different types of fruits around. There are many different types of delicious fruits around this season. I have seen a lot of fruit this season but have not been able to eat any fruit yet. Except only mango and litchi. However, many people have not been able to eat ripe mangoes this year. My favorite fruits are mango and litchi. But today I will introduce you to two fruits, jackfruit and malt.
We see a lot of jackfruits every year. We have a lot of jackfruits on our trees. Unfortunately, it is true that a lot of malt comes to our trees every year but in the end they are spoiled. This time some malt still survives. Maybe these can be eaten this time. The malt you are looking at is our own malt.
About three years ago my younger brother bought this malt work. Ever since this malt tree was bought, this malt tree has been bearing fruit but sadly the fruits of this malt tree have not survived for a year. Malta will be there this time.

How I collected the pictures:

A few days ago we had a severe storm here. The day of the storm was Friday. Because of that storm we didn't have electricity for about five hours. This storm occurred in the direction of Friday afternoon. However, it is heard that there will be a big cyclone in our country in a few days. I am very scared about that.Anyway after the storm stopped I went outside and saw our tree people. That's when these pictures were collected. I went and saw that a few drops of water had fallen on Malta. That's how I tried to collect the pictures in the rain.

The pictures were stored in my mobile gallery for many days. Last night I edited these pictures with Lightroom. I don't know how you feel about my editing. But I like my pictures very much.
Malta is very tasty to eat but it is sour. Malta is available all year round in our country. These are usually imported from abroad. Malta imported from foreign countries is very tasty but not as tasty as eating Malta cultivated in one's own country.

Malta qualities:

1.Vitamin C
However, malt contains a lot of vitamin C which is very beneficial for our body
১.ভিটামিন সি
তবে মালটা রয়েছে প্রচুর পরিমাণে ভিটামিন সি যা আমাদের দেহের জন্য খুবই উপকারী
Malta juice is also very effective for patients. Malta juice is very effective in curing jaundice.
2.জন্ডিস রোগ
এছারাও রোগীদের জন্য মালটার রস খুবই কার্যকরী। মালটা রস জন্ডিস রোগ সারাতে খুবই কার্যকরী।
3.Digestive problems:
Malta juice is also very effective in eliminating indigestion and digestive problems.
3.হজমের সমস্যা
এছাড়া বদহজম হজমের সমস্যা এগুলো দূর করতে মালটার রস খুবই কার্যকরী।
Malta also plays a very effective role in curing various diseases. Malta is very beneficial for our body. Just as malta is used for our food, malt juice is also needed for beauty treatment. Moreover, Malta helps to keep her own skin bright.
এছাড়াও বিভিন্ন রোগ নিরাময়ের জন্য মালটা খুবই কার্যকরী ভূমিকা পালন করে। মালটা আমাদের দেহের জন্য খুবই উপকারী।যেমন মালটা আমাদের খাবারের কাজে লাগে তেমনি রূপচর্চার কাজেও মাল্টার খোসা মালটার রস প্রয়োজন হয়। তাছাড়া ওর নিজের স্কিনকে উজ্জ্বল রাখতে সাহায্য করে মালটা।

গ্রীষ্মকালীন ফলের মধ্যে সবথেকে সুস্বাদু এবং উপকারী একটি ফল যার নাম আম। এই ফলটি খুবই জনপ্রিয় একটি ফল এবং খুবই সস্তা এই ফলটি পাওয়া যায়। সব মিলিয়ে এ ফলটি বাংলাদেশে খুবই জনপ্রিয়। দেখতেও খুব সুন্দর আকারে এগুলো প্রায় ছোট আকৃতির। আমাদের এইখানে এখনো ফলগুলো পাকেনি।এই বছর অনেক মুকুল এসেছিল আমের কিন্তু দুর্ভাগ্যজনক ভাবে এই আম গুলো শেষ পর্যন্ত নষ্ট হয়ে গিয়েছে। এখন তেমন আম নেই গাছে।
অবশেষে: আপনারা যে ফলটি দেখতে পাচ্ছেন এই ফলের নাম কাঁঠাল যা বাংলাদেশের জাতীয় ফল। এটি প্রচুর পরিমাণে গ্রামগঞ্জে পাওয়া যায়। গ্রীষ্মকালীন একটি সুস্বাদু এবং সহজলভ্য ফল। তবে এর অনেক গুণ যেমন কাঁঠালে রয়েছে ভিটামিন-সি এ ই কে। কাঁঠাল আমাদের দেহের জন্য খুবই উপকারী অন্যান্য ফলের তুলনায়। তবে দুঃখজনক আমরা কাঁঠাল কেউ তেমন খায় না।

The fruit that you can see is called jackfruit which is the national fruit of Bangladesh. It is found in large quantities in villages. A delicious and readily available summer fruit. However, it has many properties such as jackfruit contains vitamin-CAEK. Jackfruit is very beneficial for our body as compared to other fruits. Unfortunately, no one eats jackfruit.

Mohammed Akash

Thank you so much for reading my post with your precious time.If you really love my post, please let me know in the comments.I will always try to write something good but I make mistakes though because people are just wrong.Even then, it is better to come back after realizing the mistakes. And you should promise never to make that mistake again.Anyway I am Akash.I am a student.I am from Bangladesh.My hive account name @akash66


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Seeing the water running on the fruits, gives me the feeling of hunger, exejej, what nice pictures, I really liked your blog.

Nice quality pictures and explanation about the fruit, thanks for sharing.